C H A P T E R_02

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Win's POV

    The meeting went well, mr

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    The meeting went well, mr. Adulkittiporn is very understanding and nice to talk to. After we had our meeting, we bid goodbye to each other and went on our separate ways. I will not describe on how the meeting went since no one wants to talk about business, right?.

    I called my driver and went inside the car. The PSGs are already in their position. The driver pulled out of the driveway and drive the car on the road. I stared at the window with no emotion, just... staring. It's already night and I don't feel like getting f*ck tonight, I just hope that AJ found a new condo for me to live in.

    My life is a total jerk. A totally different world from anyone, I can get away with anything and that means literally anything. But, it also sucks since there are a lot of people trying to kill me every second of the day, If you're planning to be a rich and competitive CEO with an arrogant and attitude problem, then expect that a lot will want to drag you down and also—hate you.

    My phone rang as I was about to pass out, I sighed and took my phone out of my pockets. I pressed the green button and placed it near my ear

   "Hey, Aj, is the condo ready?" I asked with a no-care tone

   ["Wow~ not even a simple greeting?"] AJ said with a sarcastic tone

  "I don't like long talks"

  ["Yeah, Yeah, I know"] he said with a bit of annoyed tone ["I already bought one-with your money of course, I'll send you the address"]

  "Make sure that it's fit to my liking"

  ["I don't waste money that much, Win. Anyway, your Dad also wanted you to go to their place for your mother's birthday"]

   "Okay, just write it down on my planner" I reminded him

    We talked for a short period of time before hanging up. Soon after the call ended, I received the address that AJ had sent me, I transferred the location to the car's detachable tablet for the driver to see and the driver already knew what it meant.

     I placed my phone back to my pocket and just relaxed and eventually ended up falling asleep for the rest of the drive. I wasn't expecting anything in particular if you ask me, or maybe I was. Everything's perfect but also not in a way that I can't describe, there's like something inside me that's looking for someone.

   Falling asleep in the car wasn't my best choice, but I somehow ended waking up inside a room and in bed. I covered my eyes with my forearm and and waited till my eyes adjusted to the light. I sat up and roamed my eyes around the room, it's decent and huge enough for me. I got up from bed and left the room, I walked down the stairs and saw AJ, JJ, Mix and Fiat are all laughing and also playing at the living room.

    "Hey! Win's awake!" Mix said while holding a controller.

    "Win! Come on and play with us!" JJ, AJ's twin suggested

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