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The same day after having chips with Sherlock and learning more of Clarabella and the wedding venue that he and Irene had decided on to tie the knot; Elina met up with Mary and decided to walk around Victoria Park, appreciating the view, decoratio...

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The same day after having chips with Sherlock and learning more of Clarabella and the wedding venue that he and Irene had decided on to tie the knot; Elina met up with Mary and decided to walk around Victoria Park, appreciating the view, decorations and monuments engrossed within. Elina quite enjoyed the canals because it made her feel patriotic considering it was one of the things that made England during the Industrial Revolution.

"So, how's John?" Elina asked out of politeness whilst tucking her hands into her pockets and hearing the gravel under her heels crunch down the path. "Besides coming into terms that Sherlock's alive and he wasted time doing grieving Councilling for nothing, he's alright."

"Proposed to you, yet?" Elina jabbed with a snigger. "Does almost count?"

"Did Sherlock ruin it?" Elina questioned back. "Yeah, a bit." Mary laughed whilst scratching her head with her forefinger. "We should put that quote on T-shirts. Consider how many we would sell..." Elina giggled. "Yeah, it'd be everyone Sherlock's been in contact with." Mary furthered whilst sharing the laugh to giggle at the man in questions expense.

Elina stopped walking just as Mary stopped in order to remove her phone from her pocket and read the message on screen:

Save souls now!
John or James Watson?

Mary flicks to the next screen:

Saint or Sinner?
James or John?
The more is Less?

Frowning, she lowers the phone. "Do you think that this could be the work of -"

"Charles Magnussen." Elina interrupted to answer. "Perhaps, he's been threatening me for the past year and a half."

"Does Mycroft know?" Mary then turned to ask in a serious matter. "I haven't told him, no. I think it's best that I introduce you properly to Sherlock and the landlady, Misses Hudson." Elina furthered on whilst picking up the pace to make it back to the car park.


Some time later she and Elina stand at the door of two-two-one. Mrs Hudson opens the door to Mary's knock. "Oh, Mrs Hudson." She breathed in relief. Mrs Hudson frowns to Mary and looks to Elina. "Something the matter, dear?"

"We think someone may have John, Martha. Can we come in?" Elina was polite and respectful in her words and for that, the landlady stepped aside and allowed the pair through. "Hang on! Who are you?" Mrs Hudson furthers unsurely whilst pointing across to Mary. Mary stops partway up the stairs and turns to answer. "Oh, I'm his fiancée."

"Ah!" The elder lady smiles in gleam whilst clapping her hands together. "Mary? Elina? What's wrong?" Sherlock meets Mary on the stairs. Taking her phone out, she shows Sherlock the messages just as Elina stands with feet shoulder width apart and the handle of her handbag swinging between her clasped hands. "Someone sent me this. At first I thought it was just a Bible thing, you know, spam, but it's not. It's a skip-code."

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