- XVII -

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Considering that Mary didn't have much else to do she had travelled to Britain in order to move and settle in London for good

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Considering that Mary didn't have much else to do she had travelled to Britain in order to move and settle in London for good. She didn't see it as a coincidence neither that Elina just happened to put forward a suggestion to work as a secretary nurse in the same Doctor's practice John had been working in either.

Elina sat late in her office with a bag of popcorn as she watched CCTV over of the day at the Doctor's practice and giggled lightly every so often just as John spilt coffee down his side, stuttered and bumbled for a few minutes before finally introducing himself to the lady he would be working closely together with.

Again, Elina and Mycroft throughout their days of work didn't talk about their little moment that night just over a month ago but there was a softness every so often throughout meetings, talks in his office and visiting parliament. For example, every morning there sat on her desk was a small cup of tea; every time Lady Smallwood questioned Elina's ability, Mycroft would always defend in a brutal manner and he even went as far as making sure she got home safely through lower forms of agents. She knew it was his doing. It was quite lovely to Elina to feel needed and appreciated, she supposed.

The day that Mycroft left to go undercover for several months in order to collect Sherlock to help with the missing carriage on the London Underground that was seen to be some sort of terrorist network was the day that Elina would cherish.


Elina stood tall as she went to the garage underneath headquarters. Jasper; Sir Edwin's assistant had gone ahead and upgraded her Mercedes. Instead of being white it was now black and instead of clear windows they were now tinted dark along with bulletproof tyres. Mycroft had suggested at the beginning of her employment if she wished to choose a better car that fitted well with the whole establishment but obviously he knew how he wasted his breath as she stared him down across the long table and stated how her Mercedes Range was her baby.

Taking a moment to check her car out as if she was a man checking a good kind of woman out, she bent forward to kiss the bonnet of her car in glee before buckling up.

Mycroft wasn't in work today considering that he had worked overtime in order to achieve nothing below success. The drive to his secluded quant home was no longer than forty-five minutes and in that time Elina was thinking in depth of how to see him off at the airport. She honked her horn once in order to signal him indoors that she was here and no sooner he came out, locked his front door and got in after placing a small bag of essentials in the foot compartment.

She did her best to provide him with everything needed to be known for his trip to Serbia and she also contributed towards helping him brush his skills up in that genre of language which Mycroft mastered in a matter of minutes. All in all, the Hooper woman didn't care what anyone else ever thought or said about the man sat beside her, he was an era defining genius who excelled in a range of things.

Showing her pass and being let through to drive on the runway, she circled the car around using one hand and parked smoothly up by the nose of the jet. "I've also pulled some old contacts up from Rudy's time of being executive." She furthered along just as she unbuckled and turned the engine off. "I've clocked them on certain docks during your mission..." She spoke the final word with air quotations whilst she bobbed her head side to side. "Other than that though, you're good to go with everything provided at your initial disposal." She stated in humoured lilt whilst smiling sweetly at him.

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