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Being stuck in the house for three weeks was dreadfully boring so Elina had decided to be productive in the littlest of ways

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Being stuck in the house for three weeks was dreadfully boring so Elina had decided to be productive in the littlest of ways. She had watched BBC news to find that the Tower of London, the Bank of England and Pentonville prison had all been broken into a few minutes apart from each other.

Some immediate and concentrating hacking in data files showed Elina the footage of James Moriarty dancing in the Tower of London to something classical before spray painting, Get Sherlock with a smiley face in the letter O. The Consulting Criminal had pulled what appeared to be chewing gum out of his mouth in order to stick on the glass to stick a carbonated diamond on before going ahead to smash the glass encasing the Crown Jewels with a fire extinguisher.

She had also found out that a few new people had moved into the Baker Street area going by the names of, Sulejmani someone apart of the Albanian hit squad and Ludmila Dyachenko who was a Russian killer. Funnily enough the male and female were people on the English secret services assassination list.

A few days later had found news in all areas to be covered with titles such as, 'Crime of the Century?' And, 'Questions are being asked in parliament as to how the Tower of London, Pentonville prison and the Bank of England were all broken into at the same time by the same man. James Moriarty.' And, 'Jewel Thief on trail at Bailey.'

According the news critics and paparazzi, Sherlock was classed as an amateur in their eyes considering that The Guardian news paper had stated such a word entailed along with himself being called as expert witness.

Dressing smartly in a black tight fitted dress along with silkened gloves, dark tinted sunglasses and a dramatic hat to match her womanly look, Elina drove through Trafalgar Square before parking into the private car park belonging to the Old Bailey court rooms. Elina knew how the paparazzi were swimming in groups of schools talking in goldfishes terms.

Elina heard as she entered the establishment, the tannoy announcement telling people present that the Crown verses Moriarty was in Court Ten. Spotting John Watson in the peripheral view of her vision, she walked towards him but kept a good distance away as to not raise suspicion as she patiently waited for Sherlock to leave the male designated toilets. A few minutes later with what Elina suspected was a female journalist pretending to be a fan, leave the males toilets first in despair, Sherlock came walking out not soon after.

Approaching him with a kind of fire boosting her soul, she clasped his wrist and walked him aside in a shadows area much thanks to the staircase. "Elina?" He questioned apparently unsure. Elina tweaked a smile before holding the arm of her glasses to look over them. "Do you have the game plan?" She asked hesitant but confidently. Sherlock hummed appreciatively once whilst clasping his hands behind his back and straightening up a little, rolling on the balls of his feet. "Of course I do. Mycroft has made me aware that he had Moriarty under lock and key for a few weeks and deprived information from him by using our childhood." Sherlock shared earning a graceful smile from Elina. "Good thinking, by the way." He complimented her in earnest. "Thank you. Now, go in the court room and be the show off that you are." She egged on.

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