" I'm going to kill you." He yelled and tried to get up. I kneed him hard in his face, his head snapped back and he collapsed back to the ground.

I stepped over him to deliver two quick jabs to his face again and I watched as he went limp. I smirked as I patted him down for keys . When I found the keyring I smiled and tugged it from his belt along with a mean looking knife.

I tucked the blade into my own belt and went in search of Nina.

I was surprised that no one had come running from the noise I made as I had assaulted my guard.

It was eerily quiet as I ran room to room looking for Nina.

The majority of the rooms were empty but I found one other locked door at the end of a hallway on the far left of where I had been temporarily confined.I fumbled through the keys testing each in the lock until I heard the locking mechanism click.

I carefully opened the door and gasped seeing Nina laying on a small cot in the corner. Her head had been bandaged but I could see the clothe was already soaked through with her blood.

Her hair was matted with her blood and she looked incredibly pale.

" Christ Nina can you hear me?" I asked her quietly glancing warily between her and the door.

I approached her side and knelt to check her pulse. It was weak and she was struggling to breathe. She needed help immediately. I had to get her out of here.

Her eyes cracked open as she felt me touching her and she weakly tried to fight me. I didn't want her to injure herself further so I tried to comfort her." Nina its okay its me, it's Amira. "

"Amira oh thank the saints. I thought he'd killed you. He had threatened me with that if I didn't cooperate." Nina rasped as she trembled.

I frowned, I'd kill that bastard if it was the last thing I did. I glanced worriedly down at Nina. "Do you think you can walk? I cannot fight and carry you."

Nina struggled to sit up. I helped her and we went slowly giving her broken body time to adjust. She was panting,these small movements were taxing her.

She was in no shape to fight or be moved. I hated where my mind went but her best chance was for me to go alone and get her help.

I knelt in front of her, taking her hands in mine. She met my expression and I knew she realized what I hadn't said yet.

I squeezed her hands lightly as I had her look at me," I promise you I'll come back for you. I'm getting you out of here but we need help. Please hang on for me."

She tried to give me a reassuring smile as I helped her lay back down.

I tucked the guard's knife into her hands,closing mine over hers as I said seriously," Take this.You fight Nina, kill anyone who tries to hurt you."

Nina nodded and I felt my heart breaking with each step I moved away from her. I hated the idea of leaving her alone in this room. If I didn't get out of here it was a death sentence for us both and it was what kept me moving.

I creeped up a set of stairs and heard the sound of several people.I steadied my breathing as I slipped down the hallway slowly keeping to the shadows.

I was near the main entrance when I heard commotion on the other side. I cursed as I moved back into another room off to the left of the main door.

The explosion that blew in the heavy wood door then sprayed shards of wood and hot metal down the hallway and knocked me on my ass.

My ears rang and I heard alarmed shouting and people moving in every direction.

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