XXIV. Bedroom Vows

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best not to read this one in public, unless you're into that sort of thing I suppose 

       The carriage rattled noisily as it arrived in Feldcroft, though the carriage hardly had the chance to stop before the door was ripped open. Sebastian had a wild smile as he popped his head in and you laughed. 

        "Well come on now, take my hand-"

        "She's my wife." Ominis couldn't hold a frown as he spoke and you laughed, allowing Sebastian to help you out of the carriage. He waited for you to grab his hand before he yanked on you. With a laugh, you slammed into him. He grabbed your head, pressing a familial kiss to your head before handing you off to Anne as he went to retrieve Ominis in the same fashion. Ominis yelled as Sebastian roughed up his hair before pulling him into a tight hug. 

        "You look wonderful Y/n." You smiled at Anne and fixed her bangs that must have been displaced by her running. 

        "You look nice too..." You break into another laugh and shake your head, "Sorry, I shouldn't be just laughing-"

        "Do not sit here and apologize for being happy. Let yourself be happy. You're beautiful when you smile... I can't believe I was able to see you get married..." Her eyes quickly well with tears and you feel a storm brew yourself as you pull her into a hug.

        "Don't cry! That's not fair!" You yell at her but you're already crying with her as you hold each other.

        "Ominis, I think we need to hug and cry too-"

        "Don't touch me, Sebastian." You laugh through your tears as you hear their banter behind you and you pull away, wiping your tears away, trying not to smear the makeup you have on your eyes.

        "Alright, you weirdos... I've been working very hard on something and I am happy to announce... Well, It's not done yet, still a couple of things to work out, but there is a perfectly good bathroom and bedroom. You can just come over for meals." You feel your lip tremble as the reality hits you and you reach out for Sebastian. He mocks you for a moment, but as he hugs you, you feel his own body tremble with quiet tears. 

        "Come on you three, I'll walk you over." Sebastian hands you off to Ominis who wipes your tears for you with his fingers and hands he presses a clumsy kiss to your forehead, linking his hand with yours as the four of you walk. You spot Renee who holds the door open to your new home. It's nothing grand by any means, but it's yours.

        You're speechless as you take it all in, getting a brief tour. It screams Sallow with the way things have been put together but you love it. It's a little bit of everything, and there's evidence of Anne carefully choosing colors. Ominis' face is gentle and full of life as he explores with his wand and hand. 

        "I hate you." You tell them, wiping at your eyes for the tears that seem to remain. They laugh and nod.

        "Alright come on, let's leave them be for a while. There is food in what will be the kitchen, so don't worry about having to come over. We will see you tomorrow."

        "What? I'm not done giving them congratulations- And they haven't seen the tub I had put in- or the-"

        "Sebastian!" Renee scolds and you give Sebastian one last squeeze before Renee practically puts him in a headlock to get him out of the half-done home.

        "They will see and tell you all about it Sebastian, isn't that right?"

        "Every detail, Sebastian. Promise." Ominis chimes in, causing you to flinch as he's suddenly right behind you. His hand snakes around your waist and he kisses your temple as everyone pours out of the house. Sebastian is yelling something about a reminder to remain a gentleman to his sister and you can't laugh because your face is red hot as Ominis seems to grip your waist with a possessiveness unlike anything before. 

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