IX. Rekindling and Proposals

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this one is a bit longer than the previous chapters, so buckle up

        Your newfound mobility just a day later was largely due to Renee who was both happy to help a friend and happy to get practice in. She was extremely skilled in removing pain by this point, but there was very small success with how easily she could heal scars. Though you'd been unconscious for most of the assault, you'd learned the new scar was from Diffindo. She'd said the mark was unmistakable with how smooth the cut was.

        Luckily it had already scarred over like it'd been on you at least a year thanks to St Mungo's, but you'd been hoping Renee could work her magic further on it. You left early to head to Charms, a class you shared with Ominis. You usually shared the walk with him, but you hadn't heard back from Sebastian on the matter, so you were currently at a standstill. 

        "Y/n! Glad to have you back. You were missed from class yesterday, a bright mind like yours is noticed when it's absent." You smile at Amit and walk beside him.

        "Thank you for the kind words, Amit." You weren't close with him by any means, but he was a friendly face who was always eager to talk. You paid little mind to him as he began rambling about his new telescope. You tried to catch the details, but it all went in one ear and out the other as you froze. Was that..?

        "Are you alright Y/n? You look as though you've seen the dead." Amit asks and you nod, asking him to continue but as you listen you're sure of what you saw. Ominis' parents with your Uncle. Amit thanked you for listening before going to his assigned table. Sebastian and Ominis have somehow beaten you to class and are already actively chatting. You flush as you realize the seat between them is still empty. Sebastian lights up when he spots you and gives you a thumbs up. 

        It's a vague gesture given the situation, and you're unsure if he means the feelings are mutual, or if Ominis is just in a good mood. Regardless, you decide to act as naturally as possible. As you get closer, Ominis seems to recognize your presence and stiffens, turning his face to yours. Your heart skips a beat and you bite your cheek. It's unfair how handsome he is, really. 

        "Well if it isn't our strongest soldier. You're looking much better today." You chuckle at Sebastian's effort to break the ice and take the seat between the two. 

        "Please, please, hold your applause. I can only pose so many times." You joke and hesitate as you glance at Ominis. After a little deliberation, you decide to go through with your plan to be normal and allow yourself to scoot your chair closer to Ominis, resting your leg against his. He flinches, pulling away and your heart drops. You pull away quickly but can't find it in you to completely move your chair.

        "Sorry, Ominis. Didn't mean to spook you." You can hear how dejected you are and you feel your face heat up. You look to Sebastian who looks puzzled and concerned but you fake a grin. 

        "Sebastian, Renee was telling me you both found some funny-looking glasses in a spider den?" He suddenly laughs and reaches into his robe, fetching just what you'd heard about. You chuckle as he explains how they found them in the first place, but you hardly listen.

        Professor Ronen begins class quickly and again, you find yourself unable to focus. You feel the self-loathing seep in until suddenly, color returns to the world. You feel Ominis gently move his leg against yours and you naturally lean back into his touch. Your heart swells and you have to pucker your lips to hide your grin. You steal a glance at Ominis whose head is angled away from yours but you notice his ears are pink despite his stoic expression.

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