XI. A Double Date

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        You're dressed nicer than usual, and the effort is noticed by your classmates who are filtering into the Three Broomsticks. You've secured a table with Renee, who begins laying into you about how Sebastian had said something that rubbed her the wrong way.

        You try to be engaged in the conversation but it becomes clear that your mind is elsewhere and she looks concerned as she leans in to whisper against the loud crowd.

        "Are you alright? You look pretty out of it." You chew the inside of your cheek before leaning in towards her as well.

        "I can't give you any details, but my mind is preoccupied with Ominis at the moment." At first, she's worried, but as she analyzes your face she grins and you see her mind brewing the worst. You give her a warning with a glance and you shift your gaze to the door. Sebastian and Garreth are walking in together, and they both raise their hand to wave which results in Sebastian shoving him aside. Garreth stumbled, glaring at Sebastian who seemed to be glowing with his victory. 

        The minor altercation revealed Ominis who walked quietly behind them. While his school cloak was still on, it was pushed further back onto his shoulders, revealing that he was wearing his usual suit without his blazer. You admired the way his vest hugged his waist and you found yourself blushing as you remembered what that very waist felt like. 

        Garreth makes it a point to very loudly order only three butterbeers and Sebastian, in a much brighter tone, orders an additional two. Because of their ruckus, Ominis is quick to reach the table before they do. 

        "Hey, Ominis!" You don't mean to beam up at him but you're grateful because of the smile it brings to his face. His moves are elegant as he steps behind you to get to the chair on your left, next to the wall. He removes his cloak and rests it on the back of your chair. Your heart flutters at the move and all over again, you find yourself helplessly swooning over him. 

        Your mind drifts to what you imagine dates with him would be like. Fancy restaurants come to mind first because of his gesture, but you begin to really fantasize about what a quiet night in would look like. Maybe you both would lie together, cuddled up on a couch, in front of a fire like in the Common room. 

        "Hello ladies, Ominis, here's your butterbeer." Your eyes watch carefully as Ominis' arm passes in front of you to grab the beer. You're a mess, you decide. A vile, corrupt, mess. Your eyes flicker up to Renee who is both shocked and amused. You take it as a sign to reel yourself back in. You stretch and sigh in your seat. This is going to be a long night.

        "Are you alright?" Ominis' voice is so gentle that your body practically melts back into your seat. 

        "I am, thank you for checking in." You want to kiss him, and you know your gaze lingers on his lips so you force your head to turn to Garreth who is struggling to carry over the three cups. Sebastian wordlessly, but gently, pushing Renee. She's confused and mildly agitated that she has to move, but she moves and sits in front of Ominis regardless. Sebastian takes the seat across from you and you wonder for a moment what he's playing at.

        "Kicking distance," he reasons aloud and you laugh, shaking your head. Garreth nearly stumbles as he sets the drinks down. You grab yours and down a quarter of it within seconds. Sebastian hands Renee's over to her and Garreth sends him a glare. Sebastian grins so wide his eyes disappear and you have to hold your laughter. 

        Garreth takes the seat beside you and you realize the seating arrangement makes him look like an uninvited guest. Sebastian seems to notice you recognize his hidden motive and he sends you a wink so quickly you nearly miss it.

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