XXI. Stargazing

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hope this was worth the wait <3 smut ahead!

       The temperature was ideal, but the dark clouds loomed over you as Ominis lead the way. You had sneaked past the prefects, being past curfew. Imelda and Renee had promised to have your back in the case of potential bed checks. Sebastian however, had mused that it depended on his mood. Ominis was willing to take the risk for this last-minute star gazing. Though you supposed it could be considered cloud gazing given the situation.

        He'd taken you through Hogsmeade, not really saying much as you'd passed the familiar buildings. You contemplated making small talk but you could practically feel his nerves, and it was comforting in a strange way. The fact that he worried about what you thought was thoughtful enough for you. You're sure for a moment that you're absolutely insane to have your standards be so low but you felt invincible with the reassurance. 

        While trekking up the large hill, you couldn't help but remember the unicorn den just beyond, hidden away in the forest. Just as you wonder how the unicorn you'd caught for Renee was, Ominis nearly falls backward, tripping over his own feet.

        You reach out, catching him, and his face burns with embarrassment. You feel yourself tense up as you help him straighten out. Though he hasn't said a thing, he feels particularly quiet then, so mortified he can't think to thank you for catching him.

        "The ground is pretty flat just ahead, let's stop there." You suggest and he purses his lips, looking dejected.

        "Amit said the top of the hill is best... Are you sure this will do?" He asks with uncertainty dripping off every word. His voice has no power behind it, and he sounds devastated before you've even answered.

        "Yeah, this is perfect. The trees are still far enough to not get in the way, and it's a little more protected. There's a big rock over there we can lean on too." You clasp his hand in yours, and he gives you a light squeeze in response. There is so much trust in that gentle squeeze and he follows you. You figure if he's been here at all, it's had to only have been once. 

        Once you've arrived at your chosen spot, you pull your connected hands to the rock, letting him feel it. He lets go of your hand reluctantly but is exploring the rock in a second. You reach for the bag Ominis holds and he tenses, turning away.

        "I've got it, allow me." He takes the first blanket out, laying it on the grass. A corner flips up onto the rock and you smile, but do nothing. You like the fact that though he is meticulous with his mannerisms, the end product is messy. He takes out a vile of what you recognize to be firewhiskey and your eyes widen. Drinking on a school night? Well, you weren't sure it was the smartest thing to do, but you weren't about to decline the free drink. 

        He reaches out suddenly and you're confused until you realize he's searching for you. You put your hand in his and he pulls you to sit with him. The blanket he'd laid out was more cushiony than it had looked, and as he pulls another blanket out and tosses it over your laps you let out a delighted hum. The added warmth against the light breeze was more than welcome.

        "Y/n... If you don't mind me asking... how... how is it?" You cock your eyebrow, unsure as to what he's referring to. After a moment of silence, he clears his throat. "Sorry... The stars I mean..." He clarifies and you glance up to the black abyss above you. Just as an odd sense of dread fills you, you glance back at him. His unseeing eyes look up to the same abyss and you smile.

        "They're pretty," You say, and decide he doesn't have to know you're talking about him. He closes his eyes, scooting down the blanket to lie down. He props his head up on his arm as it bends behind him. 

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