I. Back at Hogwarts

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The familiar cool, but somewhat musty, smell of the Slytherin common rooms was overwhelming as you briskly made your way to your room. There was a comfort found in the familiarity of it all, but it was haunting too.

You were a master at it by now, waving your wand to set your things away just as you liked it. A familiar hearty laugh pulled you from your thoughts and you couldn't help but tense up. Renee had once been a welcomed new face, but you'd grown distant since the Rookwood and Ranrok incident. It had been the way you were never thanked for your help in her quests, and the way she cared so little for how toying with dark magic along the way affected Ominis.

You knew from your letters back and forth that he'd been having more frequent sleepless nights, and it didn't help your growing distaste for the woman. She entered the bedroom with Imelda, sending you an unknowing smile as she continued to joke with her.

"You know Y/n, Quidditch tryouts are in a week, I know you're no fool on a broom. You should try for a spot." Imelda spoke with a twinkle in her eyes.

"No, that's alright. Thanks for the offer, Imelda. I'll cheer for you instead." You offer with a small smile and head for the door.

"Oh come on Y/n, if this is because you think your uncle would disapprove, you should break free from your family. They only hold you back. You can accomplish-"

"I'm fine, Renee. I can choose for myself." You tried to hold in your tone, but you could tell by the way her face twisted that you hadn't been careful enough.

"I was only trying to help." You nearly scoffed at her. Sure, just like she was trying to help as she time and time again exposed your dearest friend to his trauma.

"It's fine, I'm just busy. Nice to see you two again." You directed the smile at Imelda because you knew it'd be your best chance at putting the façade back on. You were quick to the room, trying to ignore how they immediately began whispering to each other. Having to share a room with the two of them again would be your biggest downfall.

"Y/n! If it weren't for your owls to Anne, I'd think you'd died. You never wrote me back." Sebastian leaned against the stone wall as he watched you come down the steps of the girl's wing. You couldn't help but notice he'd gotten taller. He'd always been on the muscular side so it didn't surprise you that he'd filled out so refreshingly.

"Sorry Sebastian, a lot happened over the summer." You were being honest, a lot did happen. Marriage prospects being shoved down your throat to "keep the blood alive" over the summer was a lot by itself, but the constant worrying over Ominis kept you more than busy. You knew better than to let yourself answer to Sebastian's beck and call anyway- the dark arts called to him.

"You still wrote to Anne." His voice was quiet, hurt. You felt a pang of guilt but sighed, shaking your head. You didn't want to argue, but you felt it was fair to explain yourself.


"Sebastian!" Renee's voice overlapped yours and was met with a grin. Your words died in your throat, leaving a bitter taste on your tongue. You silently excused yourself, needing space already. You'd only just arrived- were you going to be pushed out of the common rooms by this unwelcome feeling all year?

You nearly run some poor first-year boy over, who is wide-eyed when looking up at you. You mutter an apology before grabbing your wand from your robe.

"Accio," you command quietly at his fallen book, offering it to him.

"T-thanks!" He quickly took the book back, tucking it beneath his arm.

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