XX. Perfect Planning

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a short chapter because a longer one is coming next, thanks for the reads guys :)

You'd finally been able to eat. Your stomach was no longer turning inside out, but your chest was still heavy. Renee couldn't risk pulling any more from you, as she'd already pulled so much. It wasn't unbearable, but it made it hard to find comfort in the Slytherin common rooms as you once did. The air was thicker down there, after all, it was a basement surrounded half by ground, half by water.

Your heart pounded with anxiety as you eyed your unsuspecting victim, unsure if you wanted to go through with your carefully formulated plan. You'd told yourself that doing this was petty, sure, but you'd been convinced this would solve your problems. Settle the score, and ease the tension. Two birds, one stone logic.

You took as deep a breath as you could manage before striding towards the unsuspecting Ravenclaw. Strike a conversation, and walk to the great hall with him for supper. Though the curse no longer plagued your stomach, it sure did twist.

"Duncan! I haven't spoken to you in a long while, how are you?" Your tone was flawless and he breaks his focus from the book he has in front of him.

"Oh, Y/n? Yes, I suppose the last time we spoke was for an assignment just last year. I've been doing better, Seems the new first years have caught wind of... Well, you know." You did, and you bit your cheeks to hold your laughter.

"I see... I'm sorry they see you that way. It's a shame they can't see you for you, people are more than their fears." His eyes widen and sparkle as he nods. A sense of guilt creeps up on you as he excitedly tells you that's how he feels. You'd agree in any other scenario, you're sure. It was just you'd pet so many puffskeins, raised a few yourself, even.

"Enough about me. I heard you were ill recently, is everything alright? I heard you were in good hands." You hum, trying to think of how you'd respond.

"Well... While I'm not contagious or anything, my body is still a little weak. It's a little hard to walk great distances myself," you plant the seed of your lie and he buys it, eating up the information.

"Oh my, that's awful. I'm sorry to hear that. How have you been getting to classes?" You almost break, holding back the grin that desperately wants to surface.

"It's been a great struggle, though some of my friends have offered to help me to have them to lean on for support... Say, it's actually just getting time for supper now. I don't suppose you'd mind giving me a hand to the great hall?" Ravenclaws were supposed to be the epitome of intellect. Duncan, however, beamed with pride before nodding.

"I'd be happy to help! How shall I help?" You can't hide the grin this time, putting your arm over his shoulders.

"Put your hand on my waist and let me lean on you, thank you so much, Duncan!" It's truthfully not a far walk at all, but Duncan fails to see past the fact that he's being noble and helpful. As the two of you enter the hall, you catch how words quickly buzz around regarding the way he's holding you. You bite your cheek hard, but you still smile as he walks you to the Slytherin table. Sebastian catches a glimpse of you and is instantly grinning, shaking his head. He can't believe you went through with it, after all.

Anne and Renee are laughing together as Sebastian laughs to himself, pushing the food in front of him. As you near the empty seat between Sebastian and Ominis, you notice how he tenses at the chatter around him.

"Thank you again, Duncan, for all your help. We will have to hang out again soon!" Your words are dripping with honey and Sebastian can't hold back the laughter that follows. Duncan is glowing as he dismisses himself and you sigh, looking at Anne and Renee in front of you.

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