III. Misunderstandings

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        "Merlin... you weren't joking," Sebastian whispered, crouched with you behind a large tree. You put a finger to your lips before shrouding yourself using the disillusionment charm. Readying your wand, you carefully avoided any sticks or crunchy-looking leaves. 

        "Glacius!" You cast swiftly, and your charm lifts, but you don't miss a beat as you pull out a nab-sack. Your heart beats wildly as the icy spell wares off and the magical beast isn't captured. You walk after it, spurred by Sebastian yelling strings of incoherent courage. 

        By a miracle, the shiny gold unicorn is yours. You squeal with delight and Sebastian looks just as alive with your accomplishment. You sigh and fall to sit on the dirty floor of the forest and laugh as you push the hair from your forehead.

        "Professor Howin isn't going to believe you! Y/n, this is incredible!" He joins you on the ground, leaning against a large tree root. 

        "Right well, It's not for us though, remember? After all, this nab-sack belongs to Renee. She speaks of a vivarium- in Hogwarts, no less." You muse, still unsure if you believe her. Though, you know she has a heart for animals.

        "I wasn't aware you were so close with Renee." He doesn't seem very interested in an answer but you think about it for a moment.

        "I wouldn't say we are close- though we do share a room. Hard to be enemies with a face you have to see every day. Samantha was actually a middleman for this specific request. Just as I was telling of my finding, she pulled out a pros and cons list of why Renee should let me capture the unicorn. She's useful, that one." You smile, toying with your wand.

        "Ah! Speaking of Dale! She told me your little secret! You're quite cheeky, thinking you can keep something like that from me. I told Anne too so your secret's out. It was my sweet revenge." He huffs but looks proud of himself. You make a face, trying to think of any possible secret you have.

        "I'm sorry? What secret?" His eyed widen and he scoffs with a smile.

        "You're keeping many, are you? I mean about your lover- you really chose Weasley? I mean come on Y/n, out of all people..." Your jaw drops and you stand abruptly.

        "Woah! Hold on, we are not an item- Are you," you pause and lightly pull at your hair from the root before tying it up. "Please tell me it was just Anne you told that nonsense to."

        "Well, I suppose Ominis may have been in the vicinity. It's not a big deal if it isn't true." He speaks flippantly as he slowly stands. You feel your face burn with temporary anger before you sigh.

        "Did Ominis say anything?" He seems confused and thinks for a moment.

        "No, I don't believe so. Anne had plenty to say though-" You hold your hand up, stopping him. You summon your broom and wait for him to ready his own.

        "We're skipping dinner to fix this mess." He occasionally apologizes as you both zip past Hogsmead on your way to Feldcroft. You ignore him, trying to cool your anger. It isn't his fault, and if anything it's Dale's, but because you're unsure of it being before or after you squashed the rumor, you instead focus on the worry that Ominis thinks you're taken. Your flying stutters and Sebastian nearly passes you as you realize that is where your worry starts.

        "You okay? Listen I really am sorry. I should have thought about what that might do if Black hears of it." Your blood runs cold and you are thankful you arrive when you do because you suddenly need to sit. If your dad heard... Sure, Garreth happened to be a pureblood, but his family had been long labeled as blood traitors as they weren't extremists about keeping the blood pure.

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