VIII. A Healing Heart

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        Of all the people to escort you from St Mungo's to your common rooms, you supposed Poppy was a great choice. As you walked, you used her as a crutch and asked if she could go along with the idea that it was an injury from a poacher camp. 

        Your stomach was in knots as the curse had only just started to subside and you knew it had left a nasty scar- you could feel it as you moved. Poppy was empathetic, her eyes tearing up with every wince and groan.

        "I sent an owl ahead of time to Renee, she'll be able to help you to your bed... Are you sure you're okay? What happened?" She pried with great intentions but you shook your head.

"I can't tell you that, I'm sorry-" You have to slow your pace as you tackle the stairs down to the Slytherin Common room. Even as you try to push past the remaining pain, you feel yourself rapidly grow nauseous as your thoughts jump to your father. You hated how your fear of him controlled you like this.

        "Y/n are you-" You can't stop it as you're suddenly sitting on the bottom of the steps vomiting. Poppy, understandably begins to panic. It doesn't take long for a house elf to run off to flag down a professor.

        "I'm fine..." You speak but your voice is shot and you're shaking. You try to stand but the Hufflepuff is quietly crying as she holds you down by your shoulders. The house elf returns quickly with Professor Weasley in tow. The house elf snaps the vomit clean before hurrying off.

        "Miss Black, I heard you were just in St. Mungo's, are you alright?" You open your mouth to speak but Poppy grips your shoulder.

        "She's not alright Professor! She's limping, having difficulty breathing, and she's just thrown up! I don't understand why she was allowed to leave St. Mungo's in this state!" You haven't seen Poppy this worked up since the Dragon incident and you can't help but remain silent. She's right, you should have been held longer.

        Professor Weasley has an obvious frown as she sighs, coming closer to help you up. She has a knowing frown and you understand that she knows. It makes your pain all the more unbearable as you wonder just how many people know how your family treats you. 

        "Headmaster's orders to have her return to classwork as soon as possible. I'm afraid there is not much we can do to go against them. I will notify the other professors of your situation Y/n. We will make accommodations as we see fit for your condition until you improve. I understand you have my class tomorrow, but please feel free to rest should you be in pain." You nod and she takes over for Poppy, dismissing her to her own common rooms. You feel all the more awful and incompetent as you are forced to use the professor as a crutch.

        "I am so terribly sorry Y/n..." She whispers but you don't say anything as you bite back tears. It's late, incredibly so. You expect the common room to be empty but your stomach twists with panic as you spot two familiar faces. You avert your eyes quickly and fight the urge to throw up again.

        "Y/n... What happened-" Sebastian's voice rings clearly through the common room, clearly panicked. It makes you feel worse as it sounds reminiscent of when Anne first started having her pains. It's a level of trauma you never wished to inflict on him but you're powerless at the moment. Though he cannot see, you feel Ominis' attention on you. You can't bare to look up at him and Weasley continues to walk you to your room.

        "Boys, you know it is well past curfew, you should be in bed."

        "But Professor-" She must shoot them a look because Sebastian's desperate voice stops abruptly. Your steps stutter as you feel your body twitch with pain and you feel the professor's grip on you tighten. You feel so helpless and useless as she practically carries you up the steps and you can't hold back the tears that fall. You hiccup and sniffle, trying to be quiet as the sobs wreck you. So weak.

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