Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Their honeymoon was relaxing and beautiful. Their friends and family stayed for a few days but they were eventually alone for another two weeks. They laid on the beach, went swimming, visited historical sites and ate far too much.

When they arrived back in New York, Sebastian had a new project to dive into. Ava was grateful for all the time she's gotten with him; he was gone a lot more often now that he was working.

They had an important doctor's appointment coming up and as Ava sat alone in the exam room, she watched her phone. Sebastian said he would be here, but he was running late.

A take had taken too long to finish and now Sebastian sat in the back of a cab, stuck in traffic, trying to get to the clinic. He huffed and quickly texted Ava, letting her know. Then an idea came to his mind.

It was only three blocks to the hospital; he could run it. Seb quickly paid the driver, got out of the cab, and started to run.

As her phone made a sound, she eagerly texted but frowned softly. Traffic. She texted him back that she'd ask the doctor to wait just as they entered and rested her phone back down next to her on the exam table.

"My husband is on his way, if we could wait just a few more minutes..."

The nurse wrote a few things on her clipboard. "We can wait a little longer. Let's go ahead and get the other things done with and we'll do your ultrasound last."

"Thank you," she said graciously, silently praying to herself that he'd make it. Sebastian would hate to miss this. They were supposed to find out the sex of the baby today.


Sebastian wiped sweat from his face as he walked into the hospital. He let himself relax for a couple of moments and relish in the air conditioning before walking to the front desk.

The distracted receptionist was focused on her computer screen for a few moments before glancing up. She did a double take once she did and a nervous smile broke out on her face. "Hi, hello, can I help you?" she asked.

"Hi, I'm uh. Which floor is OBGYN?" He asked.

"Five," she answered professionally, brushing some stray hair behind her ear. "The elevator is just down the hall on the right. Is someone expecting you? I can call and let them know you're on your way up..."

"Yes," Seb answered. "My wife is having an ultrasound today."

"Oh, okay. Mrs... Stan, I guess?" she asked as she typed the last name into the computer. She found the room listed on the chart and picked up the phone. "I'll call, you go up. Room 504."

Sebastian gave the woman a pleasant smile. "Thank you." He quickly walked over to an elevator and pushed the up button before stepping into an empty one.

When he reached the fifth floor, they were waiting for him and escorted to Ava's room.

The sonogram technician sat patiently at Ava's side and the young newlywed broke into a relieved smile as Sebastian entered the room. Immediately she reached for him. "You're here..."

"Of course," he breathed, shutting the door behind him. Seb walked over to Ava and bent to kiss her softly. "I wouldn't miss it."

She returned the kiss sweetly and reached up to gently brush back his hair. "You're sweating... did you run?" she asked, cocking her head.

Sebastian blushed and chuckled. "Yeah," he admitted, his cheeks turning pink.

Ava laughed softly. "Thank you, Papi," she said sweetly. "We left the ultrasound for last," she assured him.

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