Chapter Eight

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Ava clung to Sebastian as they took the short ride to the hotel. The ride was smooth and thankfully uneventful. Once they were in the parking garage, she waited until he had the bike fully stable and resting on the lock stand.

She released him and sat back on the motorcycle, waiting until he extended his hand to help her dismount. As her feet planted on the concrete floor, she reached up to pull the helmet off and she shook out her hair. "Nice driving. Seems, at least for now, I can trust you with my life," she remarked with a smirk.

"Oh, only for now, huh?" he teased. Seb dismounted the bike before he took the helmet from Ava, then wrapped his other arm around her waist. He led her into the hotel and walked to the elevators before pushing the button that would bring the machine to them.

Ava leaned into him as they walked, her own arm around his waist in kind and as they stood in front of the elevator doors, her eyes settled on the reflection of the two of them. Her eyes softened as she looked at the two of them. "We do make a good-looking pair," she observed, leaning her head to rest it against his shoulder.

Sebastian couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, we do." He turned his head and kissed her hair just as the elevator dinged before opening. Seb led her inside then turned to push the button for his floor. "Do you have anything you'd like to do today?"

"Hmm. I do need to think about what we're having for dinner tonight. Might need to go to the market," Ava replied thoughtfully, the elevator quickly doing its work and getting them to his floor. "But no, nothing specific. I know that doesn't sound very exciting."

"We can go to the market. I think there's an outdoor market we can go to also," he commented.

Her smile grew softly. "I'd love that. I used to go to the outdoor market in Havana with my mother and sisters," she shared as the elevator stopped. Memories of her family were bittersweet. She didn't have any photos of them, nothing tangible outside of her oldest brother. If she could make new memories, she would take advantage of that.

Sebastian stepped out of the elevator and led her down the hall and to his hotel room. "We can do that then, if you want to. You can pick out anything you want." He got his keycard out of his pocket then unlocked the door and allowed Ava to step inside before following her.

Ava bit her lip as she considered Sebastian's offer, the girlish hint of her smile undeniable. "Anything? Oh don't say that," she laughed lightly as she meandered further into the expanse of the hotel room. "I'll come home with a goat and several chicks," she added with a giggle at herself.

"I have no clue how to take care of those," he laughed. "But you can find whatever food you like and get it. Maybe even something pretty if you want."

She narrowed her eyes playfully. "Hmm... I'll think about it," she mused, pursing her lips. "It might be easier to get used to this taking care of me thing than I thought."

He chuckled softly. "I think you'll learn to enjoy it."

Ava allowed her bag to drop from her shoulder and she lightly tossed it on the bed before turning on the balls of her feet to face Sebastian. "I think we discussed a shower being in order," she remarked coyly.

Seb nodded then removed his shirt and tossed it on the bed. "Yes, I did."

She bit her lip and slipped her shoes off one by one as she stepped towards him. "And... do I guess correctly that there's an invitation to join you?"

He grinned and nodded. "Of course. It would be rather lonely in that massive shower alone."

Ava dropped her hands to the bottom of her tank top and peeled it off of her curves before she dropped it to the floor. "I won't leave you lonely, Papichulo," she teased with a sultry grin.

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