"But there is answer to this riddle Hyung. We have to find the answer." Taehyung said as he also sat down on the chair beside him in the classroom.

They sat there for almost half hour trying to decode the clue when Seokjin suddenly stood up and pointed towards somewhere.

"Taehyung there is the answer."


"Look there." Seokjin replied and Taehyung looked where he was pointing and saw a small cactus plant kept near the botany room of the school.

"A cactus." They both said at same time and bolted out of the room and reached the botany room and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

"Hello ma'am."

"Yes how can I help you?"

"Ma'am we wanted to know if there is a place in this region where we can find cactus like that." Taehyung politely asked.

"Yes there is a nursery you can buy cactus from there."

"If you don't mind can you please give us directions of the nursery."

"Yeah sure. Walk straight from the school gate and then turn right. The nursery is right there."

They both thanked and hurriedly followed the directions. And the next thing they knew was standing in front of nursery's keeper who mischievously smiled at them and gave them clue card without asking for it.

They both looked towards each other and shrugged. Seokjin opened the clue card and the words written inside it made him freeze.

"What happened Hyung?" Taehyung asked and when the other didn't responded he took and card and read it by himself.

Congratulations you found one of the fake clue :)

"Wha-t?" He stuttered and looked towards the now smiling cameraman who said.

"Did you guys forgot there were fake clues too?"

"If last clue was fake it mean that we wasted our time by going to school because that's where we got the clue. But it also mean all the clues before were fake too. I don't understand a thing." Seokjin angrily rambled.

"Yes you did wasted your time but the clue regarding school was right. They were two clue cards in the school. You, yourself chose the wrong clue by going to principal." The cameraman replied.

"Then what were we supposed to do?" Taehyung quietly asked.

"When you visit a place, let's say a company, do you go to reception first or directly visit the CEO?" The cameraman questioned with a smile and it cleared everything.

"We were supposed to go to reception counter." Taehyung exclaimed to which the cameraman nodded.

"Do we have to go back to school to earn the right clue?" Seokjin questioned to which the cameraman shook his head.

"No. You completed the task in the school. But the difference is, for right clue you had to babysit the children for just two hours. When you left the school we took the right clue with us. The indication of choosing the wrong clue was time wastage which you did. Now here is the right clue." He replied as he gave them the right clue.

A warrior among the flowers, he wears a thrusting sword,

He uses it whenever he must, to defend his golden hoard.

"A warrior among flowers. What it could be?" Taehyung muttered under his breath as thought about the clue.

"Golden hoard. Hoard means secretly guarded." he kept muttering when he saw something.

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