Chapter 43

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Violet was working in the lab all day, she had a hand she needed to finish wiring for one of her patients. So, Bucky headed down to the gym to spar with Steve.

The two got ready in silence, Bucky feeling tense about how Steve acted at his party. It suddenly made sense to him why Steve was always wanting to be around Violet. It also made sense why he backed off for a while after her tattoo appointment, he was trying to get rid of his feelings for her. But it pissed Bucky off that he followed ignoring her with a weekend alone with her. He felt like Steve was taking advantage of how naive Violet was, and how innocent she was. How she always saw the best in people, she never would've assumed Steve had bad intentions when he took her away for the weekend.

"You gonna ask that hostess out or not?" Bucky asked as the two began to spar.

The two danced around the ring perfectly, from years of training together, from decades of friendship. They knew each other as well as they knew themselves.

"I'm not sure if I'm ready to get into something." Steve said with a sigh.

"You were ready to jump into something with Violet." Bucky countered. He was starting to get aggravated the more they sparred. He had to stop himself from getting rougher, from taking his anger out on Steve.

"That was.. a mistake." Steve defended.

"I know you still have a thing for her. I'm not an idiot." Bucky spat. He swung at Steve, probably harder than he should've. The look on Steve's face told him that, but he almost couldn't contain his anger. He felt his blood boiling as Steve tried to gaslight him.

"Not intentionally! I tried, Buck. For months, I ignored her for months!" Steve defended.

Bucky scoffed, rolling his eyes at his friend. "You tried? So hard that you took her away for the weekend. What was you trying to accomplish? Did you think she was going to run away with you?" He asked.

Steve swung on Bucky this time, probably harder than he should have. Shock and anger written all over Bucky's face as they started sparring rough, more like an actual fight. They both had the intention to hurt the other.

"No!" Steve spat. "I wasn't trying anything, I just wanted to apologize for avoiding her." Steve argued.

"Right." Bucky said with a huff. "I'm guessing you didn't actually turn the AC off in the hotel either, did you? You wanted her to have to curl up to you." He practically yelled. His left fist connected with the side of Steve's face, sending him to the floor of the ring. Steve jumped up a moment later, punching Bucky in the chest.

"Absolutely not! I wouldn't have made her miserable just to get close to her! I really turned it off!" Steve defended sincerely. He felt terrible when they'd gotten up that morning and realized housekeeping turned the AC back on after they'd left for the concert. He just didn't notice it running when they came back.

"What brought all this on anyway, Buck? I didn't do anything to you." Steve asked. He quickly dodged a hit Bucky was about to make, jumping back in the ring.

"The fact that you're making it too obvious that you're in love with MY girlfriend." Bucky yelled.

Their spar somehow got even rougher, both somehow desperate to hurt the other. It had gotten to the point that FRIDAY notified Tony that something was wrong, that their sparring match had turned violent. Tony rushed down to the gym, in his suit, to stop the two.

Tony blasted Steve, throwing him back while kicking Bucky in the opposite direction. Both send flying across the gym, hitting opposite walls with rough thuds. He pointed his regulators at them, warning them to stay on the ground and stay back.

"Someone want to tell me what the hell is going on down here?" Tony demanded, he let the face shield of his suit come up to stare at the two. Both were sweaty messes with bloody knuckles and busted lips.

Neither said a word, they both stayed on the ground, catching their breath.

"Now." Tony demanded.

"Buck's gone insane, thinks I want Violet." Steve defended.

Tony let out a laugh. "We all know you do. Well, everyone but her. For a genius, she's an idiot." He said.

"Stark." Bucky warned.

"Oh, not what I meant. I love her like my own, but she's so clueless to how men look at her. Shit, I think Nat checked her out a few times even. She doesn't even notice." Tony clarified.

Bucky raised an eyebrow at Steve, a victorious grin just screaming 'I told you so' written all over his face.

"Here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna pretend none of this ever happened. Violet is not the ruler in your dick measuring contest. Darth Vader clearly won her." Tony said.

"For the record, I already agreed to call Chelsea." Steve said before getting up and leaving the gym.

Once Tony and Bucky were alone, Tony let the suit go back into his chest. He glared at Bucky as he got up. "What got you so angry? You know she's not going anywhere." He asked.

Bucky stood up, wiping the blood off his lip and nose and onto his pants. "It's not about that, I trust Violet. Even if she wanted Steve, I would support her decision as long as she's happy." He said confidently. He never wanted to lose Violet, but if she decided she didn't want to be with him anymore. If she decided she wanted to be with Steve, or Nat or anyone but Taylor. He would've been okay with her decision, anything to make her happy.

"Then what is it?" Tony asked.

"I don't want him to scare her. I definitely don't want to see how upset she would get if she ever realized Steve is only around her so much because he's into her, she thinks they're friends. She treats Steve the same way she treats Foggy." Bucky explained.

Tony shrugged his shoulders, moving to sit in one of the chairs in the gym. Bucky sat down a few seats from him, but his body turned to look at Tony.

"You can't protect her from everything." Tony said calmly.

"Yes I can." Bucky said back immediately. Tony rolled his eyes at him.

"I don't think Steve is dumb enough to tell her how he feels, cause he knows she would reject him. We can all see how you're the only one she even looks at." Tony reassured him. The whole team did notice, immediately. Her eyes was only on Bucky, even from the beginning. Even when she was scared of the team, it was like she gravitated towards Bucky like a magnet sticks to a refrigerator. Tony also noticed how Bucky was the same way. From her very first day at the compound, the way he watched her, the way he stood up for her. He never let anyone wear his jacket, ever. He never let anyone see his arm either. All his normal rules to keep everyone at arms length, he ignored when it came to Violet.

Bucky let out a sigh, leaning his head back onto the chair he was iI. "You're right. I-"

"Of course I'm right, I'm a genius." Tony cut him off with.

Bucky rolled his eyes, giving his signature glare to Tony. "I'm just pissed that it took Matt mentioning it for me to notice." He defended.

"How did the blind guy notice before the trained assassin?" Tony asked sarcastically.

Bucky let out a huff, rolling his eyes again. He wondered why he actually got along with Tony, he was annoying. But he would gladly deal with his sarcasm and his remarks if it meant they no longer hated each other.

"He has annoyingly good senses. Probably since he was a kid when he went blind. He hears everything, he notices everything." Bucky explained. "It took him meeting Steve for 30 seconds before he caught on that he was into Violet."

"It took him that long?" Tony joked. Bucky threw his water at Tony, laughing when it hit him in the side of the head.

"Rude." Tony joked. "Your girls not going anywhere. Don't kill Capsicle in my gym." He requested before getting up and leaving Bucky to be alone.

Bucky stayed in his seat for a moment, catching his breath and battling the thoughts in his head. He knew Tony was right, that Steve would never admit his feelings to Violet because he knew Violet would turn him down. After a few minutes alone, he headed out of the gym to grab a shower and talk about a few things with Wanda.

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