Chapter 10

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Violet spent the whole afternoon alone in her apartment, reading her book and listening to Breaking Benjamin quietly. When she looked up and saw the sun was starting to set she hopped up and quickly changed into a pair of black biker shorts, leaving her olive sweater on and headed downstairs to make dinner for the team.

After wandering around lost for what felt like forever she reached for her phone, only to remember she left it on charge.

"FRIDAY?" She said shyly.

"Yes, Ms. Crain?" The AI responded, making Violet jump.

"How do I get to the main floor from here?" She asked.

"On the elevator." The AI responded, Violet rolled her eyes. "Not helpful." She mumbled, she couldn't find the elevator.

"FRIDAY?" She asked after a minute.

"Yes, Ms. Crain?"

"Can you tell Steve where I am and ask him to meet me here?" She said nervously.

"Right away, Ms. Crain." The AI responded. Violet stood confused for about 5 minutes before she saw Steve walking down the hallway with a smile.

"Friday is not helpful." Violet said with a laugh when Steve finally reached her.

"And why is that?" Steve asked with a raised eyebrow. He crossed his arms across his chest, staring down at Violet.

"I asked how to get to the kitchen and it told me on the elevator.." Violet admitted, Steve laughed and offered his arm to her. The two walked together to the elevator, Violet didn't even realize the hallway split into three, she hadn't even gone down this way.

"So what is on the menu tonight?" Steve asked once in the elevator, pushing the button for the main floor.

"Orange chicken with rice, goyza and potstickers." Violet said.

"What is a goyza?" Steve asked.

"It's like a potsticker but the wrapping is different." Violet said with a quiet laugh, she knew what he meant.

"Okay, what is a potsticker?" Steve asked.

"It's like goyza but the wrapping is different." Violet teased.

"Not helpful." Steve said with a laugh.

"Wasn't trying to be." Violet admitted with a quick laugh. Steve rolled his eyes playfully and threw an arm across her shoulders. "Brat." He mumbled down to her, making her chuckle.

He led her to the kitchen and sat himself at the barstool at the island so he could watch her. She was right, dinner tonight was easy. The rice just needed microwaved, the "chicken" just needed warmed up in a pan and the goyza was cooked in a pan in a matter of minutes. She quickly plated everything up.

"One more plate, Pepper is back tonight." Steve said, grabbing another plate from the cupboard for her.

"Pepper?" Violet asked.

"Tony's wife, she's nice." Steve promised as he helped her carry out all the plates. Like last night Steve served Violet's plate before lastly serving himself and sitting at her side, Bucky on the other side of her.

"Pepper, this is Violet. She just moved in yesterday." Tony said as he dug into the meal without questioning what it was.

"Oh, hello, welcome." Pepper offered sweetly.

"Thank you for having me." Violet said with a small smile, leaning forward in her seat to see Pepper.

"So what do you do?" Pepper asked, Violet looked at her lost.

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