Chapter 44

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It had been two weeks since Steve's party, a week since Steve and Bucky's fight. As Bucky promised Tony, he acted as if it never happened. He got his frustrations out and it was over. He wanted to stay mad at Steve, but he couldn't. He didn't blame Steve for caring about Violet so much, she was incredible. He was just surprised more men weren't begging for her attention. He felt blessed that Violet chose him, that he was able to deserve her love.

Violet and Bucky were curled up on the couch together in his apartment. Bucky leaned against the arm of the couch, Violet laying between his legs. His book rested on her chest as he held it, reading out loud to the two. She happily leaned back into him, fully relaxed. Her eyes were closed, enjoying the sound of his voice, enjoying him reading to her. She clung to every word he said as he read The Woman In Black.

"Ms. Crain, you have a guest at the main door." FRIDAY announced.

Bucky stopped reading, perking up an eyebrow. "FRIDAY, who is it?" He asked.

"Matthew Murdock." FRIDAY called out.

Bucky unraveled his legs from around Violet so she could stand up. "I hope he's okay? He's never just came by.." Violet said timidly. She hopped up and headed towards the door, Bucky quickly behind her.

"Let's go find out." Bucky insisted.

Violet and Bucky quickly made their way through the compound, Violet ignored everyone that tried to talk to her, she knew Matt wouldn't just show up here unless something was wrong.

"Vi, what's up?" Steve asked when he saw her speed walking through the main floor, headed towards the door. She completely ignored him. But he grabbed onto Bucky's arm, stopping him. "Buck?" He asked.

Bucky sighed, motioning his head to follow Violet. The two stayed back but followed her. "Matt's here. I know she's worried, he'd never just show up here." He explained.

"What could be wrong?" Steve asked. They stopped a few feet back while Violet flung the door open. Matt was heavily beaten. In a pair of black dress pants and a white button up that was torn and bloody.

Violet gasped at the sight of Matt. "I had a really shitty night." Matt said in a heartbreaking tone, sighing heavily.

Violet immediately pulled him through the door and into a tight embrace. Matt kicked the door shut behind him. "I just needed you, Vi." He admitted quietly, clutching onto her. She had her arms tightly around his torso, while his arms wrapped around her back, his head resting on top of hers.

"I'm here, Matty. What happened?" Violet asked. She ran her hands up and down his back as best as she could, his tight grip on her preventing her from doing much.

"It doesn't matter." Matt answered.

"Murdock, what happened to you?" Bucky asked. He slowly approached the two, he'd been worried at the sight of Matt, assuming it had something to do with Daredevil.

"Not important. I just needed to see you, Vi.... I'll go." Matt said with a sigh, finally releasing Violet from his grasp.

"No, come upstairs with me. We'll talk about this." Violet insisted. She took Matt's hands, walking towards the elevator.

"Call me if you need anything, doll." Bucky requested sweetly. Violet nodded, mouthing to him that she was sorry. Bucky offered her a smile, nodding at her. The two were supposed to spend the evening reading, but Matt needed her. Matt never showed up needing Violet, Matt never showed that he was weak, even for a single second. She knew it was important. He did everything for her, her entire childhood, there was no way she wasn't going to be there for him when he needed her.

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