Chapter 8

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Bucky made his way to Steve's room, knocking loudly but letting himself in a moment later.

"Whats up, man?" Steve asked from the couch, he was sketching a few things to relax before bed.

"Man, I just read through all the texts Taylor has been sending Violet. You should've let me kill that guy." Bucky said, taking a seat next to Steve on the couch.

"What did he say?" Steve asked, sitting his sketchbook down and giving Bucky his full attention.

"He yelled at her, talked down on her. He made fun of the way she looks and her body. He threatened her. Steve this dude did some shit to that girl." Bucky said with a huff.

"Like what?" Steve asked.

"I promised her I didn't know anything, not until she wanted to tell us. But man that guy fucked with her head." Bucky admitted.

"Then why didn't she leave him sooner?" Steve asked, he wondered if those scars on her thighs were things he did to her.

"She didn't have anywhere else to go." Bucky said.

"Do you think those scars on her legs are from him?" Steve asked.

"Nah, man. Those are self inflicted, but don't bring those up, she'll tell us when she's comfortable." Bucky said.

"Why would she give herself scars?" Steve asked.

"I don't know." Bucky admitted. "I'm gonna ask Tony to get her a new phone though, so he can't keep getting ahold of her."

"Good idea. Ask him tomorrow though, he's probably in the lab for the night already." Steve said. Bucky stood up and clapped a firm hand on Steve's shoulder. "I will, night man." He said as he left and headed back to his apartment. He wanted to check in on Violet again, but he didn't have a good reason to so he went to his own room.


Violet woke up to the sun shining in from the window onto her face, she groaned and rolled over to her side. When she opened her eyes to check the time she saw a tallish young man she didn't recognize and let out a loud scream before crawling up to her pillows and curling up in a ball.

"Who the hell are you?" She said panicked.

"I'm sorry!" The young man said frantically, Bucky came running in the room a moment later.

"Dammit, Parker, what the hell?" Bucky yelled before moving to sit beside Violet on the bed. He saw Violet flinch at his outburst, making a mental note to never shout around her again. "Are you okay?" He asked her calmly, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I was until I woke up to someone watching me sleep." She said nervously.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. I thought this apartment was empty, I needed a shower." The young man said nervously.

"You have a room here." Bucky argued calmly.

"This room has a nicer shower." The man admitted.

"Violet this is Peter, he's harmless, just an idiot." Bucky said, glaring at Peter.

"Peter this is Violet, she lives here now. So let's not sneak in here again." Bucky said sternly.

"Of course, sorry sir." Peter said nervously.

"You can go now." Bucky said sternly to the man who continued to stand in her bedroom. "Oh, yeah, sorry sir." He said nervously before running off.

"I'm sorry if I woke you up." Violet said with a sigh once they were alone.

"I was already awake, I don't sleep much. How was your night?" Bucky asked.

Violet crossed her ankles and relaxed her legs until she was sitting cross legged on her pillow. "Peaceful, I haven't slept that well in a long time actually." She admitted shyly.

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