Chapter 37

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The drive home seemed to go faster than the drive there, maybe because she was exhausted on her way there. Waking up at 6AM was not her specialty. Today, however, her and Steve slept in until almost 11AM. She was surprised Steve slept that long, but they did get back from the concert pretty late.

"Hey Steve?" Violet said after a while into their drive.

"Yes?" Steve replied happily, smiling over at Violet for a brief moment before focusing on the road again.

"I'm just curious. What made you sleep in today? Aren't you normally a 'running by sunrise' kinda guy?" Violet asked.

Steve nervously scratched at the back of his neck for a moment. "You." He admitted. "I don't sleep well, I have a lot of flashbacks. I didn't have any last night." He added nervously.

"Is it because I remind you of holding onto Peggy?" She asked quietly. She wasn't sure what else it could be.

Steve wanted to say 'No, because you're an angel and I'm in love with you.' But he knew he couldn't say that, he knew he could never tell her that he's the one that rejected her and regrets it. "Maybe. I don't know, really." He lied. He never got that close to Peggy, he never got to feel her breath on his neck while he slept, he never even got that dance.

"I'm sorry. I probably set you back last night..." Violet said in a heartbroken tone. She didn't even realize she didn't let go of him last night when he tried to put her in bed. But she knew she should have moved to the other bed when she woke up and realized it.

Steve took her hand into his, giving it a light squeeze. "You didn't. I promise, it was nice. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." Steve said.

"You didn't. You and Bucky make me feel safe." Violet admitted happily.

"Good. I'd never let anything happen to you." Steve promised. He kept her hand in his, enjoying the contrast of her small cold fingers wrapped around his large warm hand.

The two talked, laughed and joked almost the entire way home, Steve was surprised she stayed awake the whole time. He almost wished she had fallen asleep, he loved how cute she looked asleep. So peaceful, so relaxed.

"If you ever got married, who would give you away?" Steve asked.

"That's easy, Matt." Violet said confidently. "If you ever got married, who would be your flower girl?" Violet countered.

"Morgan, obviously." Steve said with a shrug of his shoulders. "If you love Matt so much, why haven't we met him?"

"Habit, I guess. Taylor didn't even know he existed. I kept him a secret so I knew I had somewhere to run." Violet loosely explained.

"But you didn't run to him.." Steve mentioned. Violet lightly sighed. "Matt would have killed him that night. I can't let him throw his life away for me." She explained.

"Are you keeping him a secret so you can run in case anything happens with Buck? He won't hurt you, he never would. Even if he did, which he wouldn't, I wouldn't let him." Steve promised.

"No, not at all. I trust Bucky, and he's met Matt. I guess it's just an old habit I'm struggling to break." Violet said with a small sigh. She wanted nothing more than Matt and Foggy to meet the team, they were all she had her entire life.

"Matt is more like a dad to me than my own dad. More like a mom, too. I remember I was like 4. My parents weren't taking care of me, Matt showed up at my house every single morning to brush my hair and walk me to preschool. He was only 17 at the time. He was always doing stuff like that, always putting me first." Violet admitted.

"Is that why you didn't let him take you away from Taylor? You wanted him to put himself first?" Steve asked, Violet nodded but didn't answer.

"You deserve someone who always puts you first." Steve told her confidently.

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