Chapter 3

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"Uh, guys, who is that?" Nat asked as she walked into the common room and saw Violet asleep in a small ball, still wearing Bucky's leather jacket. Bucky quickly came over and put a finger to his lips to shush Nat before motioning for her to join the rest of the group on the other side of the room.

"That's the girl from yesterday I told you about." Clint said.

"Vanessa, right?" Nat asked.

"Violet." Steve corrected in a hushed tone.

"Is she okay? Why is she in Bucky's coat?" Nat asked.

"Buck and I picked her up last night, she fell asleep before she took it off." Steve admitted.

"I'll be back, I'm picking up breakfast." Bucky said, walking away from the group.

"Want me to wake her up so you can get your coat back?" Sam offered.

"Don't you dare." Bucky quietly threatened as he walked out the main door.

"So what's her story?" Nat asked.

"That's none of our business, she can tell us when she's ready." Steve said sternly but quietly.

Bucky drove down to the diner they picked Violet up at last night, surprisingly the same waitress was still there.

"Back so soon?" The sweet elderly waitress asked.

"I came to get whatever Violet usually gets for breakfast." Bucky admitted. The waitress smiled and rung up an order of home fries, an order of beyond sausage, a fruit platter and a strawberry pineapple matcha with oatmilk.

"Violet only eats it when that jerk makes her. She's vegan." The waitress said with a smile.

"Vegan?" Bucky asked.

"It means she doesn't eat anything made from animals. She eats a lot of fruit and vegetables." The waitress explained.

"I guess I'll get the same as her and also two dozen bagels and a group sized order of coffee." Bucky said, handing the woman his card but she refused it.

"I've been waiting to see someone manhandle that punk for 10 years, this one's on me." The waitress said with a smile.

"That's not necessary, but thank you very much." Bucky said with a smile.

"She's a sweet kid, let it be a thank you for last night." The waitress offered as she handed Bucky the bags and the drink carrier. "Thank you, have a good day." Bucky said with a smile as he carried the bags to the car. He sat there staring at the strange icy green drink the waitress had given him, the same drink he got for Violet. He finally took a small sip but couldn't decide if he liked it or not, it kinda tasted like grass but it was creamy and sweet at the same time, nothing like his usual black coffee.

When he got back he saw Violet sitting up and leaning against the arm of the chair, staring down at her phone. The screen wasnt even on, she was just a million miles away in thought. He cleared his throat not to startle her and gave her a weak smile when she looked up at him. "Morning." He offered.

"Good morning." Violet said shyly, moving to sit up fully and pull her legs up to her chest, her arms wrapping around them. He couldn't even see her hands from under his leather jacket on her.

"Breakfast?" He offered, sitting the bags down on the coffee table and handing her the strange green drink. "It's everything the waitress said you order."

"Thank you, I can pay you back when I get my wallet back." She offered, taking a sip of her matcha.

"Not a chance, she wouldn't let me pay anyway." Bucky admitted as he opened the bags and pulled out all the things the waitress had rung up for her before grabbing the identical meal for himself, leaving the bagels and cream cheese unattended for the team.

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