#136 (life Lessons)

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Who gives you a life lesson and what's the life lesson? (PT.1)

Aries - "repeat. I am strong because I've been weak. I am fearless because I've been afraid. I am wise because I've been foolish." -Puppeter

Taurus - "The wrong people wil always teach you the right lesson with their actions. The right people will teach you by words so you wont make that mistake." -Jeff The Killer

Gemini - "The past cant change, whatever you did, you cant change it. But you can change the future." - Bloody painter 

Cancer - "some people want to see you fail...disappoint them by proving them you got this." -Ticci Toby

Leo - "its better to walk alone than with a crowd going in the wrong direction. Its also better to walk alone but with others supporting it." -Clockwork

Virgo - "Be careful who you share your weakness with. Some people cant wait for the opportunity to use it against you.." -Lost Silver

Libra - "Be careful what you say...it can be forgiven but not forgotten.." - Masky

Scorpio - "Close the window that hurts you the most. No matter how beautiful the view is." -Judge Angels

Sagittarius - "Never sit at the table where they speak evil about others, because when you get up: You are the topic." -Hoodie

Capricorn - "Always remember...Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools and accepted by idiots." -Kate The chaser

Aquarius - "You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only option." -BEN

Pisces - "A lie i always heard was: 'Blood makes you family' And its wrong, blood doesnt make you family. Loyalty, love, and trust makes you family." -Lulu 

I know you I havent updating in a while- Im so so sorry :'< i've been trying to fix myself and trying to fix my mental health, stress, etc- :'> hope guys understand, thank you ^^

sooo I changed about the 600 followers- at 700 followers, i will do the Q&A for yall! :> right now, im not there- but its fine!

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