New creepypasta... (#116)

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She's here. She's getting closer and closer. You can run but can't hide. She'll find you...You noticed her...

What did you do?

Aries - Fuck it, you're running.

Taurus - You grabbed a gun and point it at her.

Gemini - You just stared before making a run

Cancer - You called 9-1-1

Leo - You looked at her. "need anything, ma'am?"

Virgo - You blinked "Yooo- need something? ;>;?"

Libra - You quickly run away. without looking back.

Scorpio - You quickly went to your phone and called 9-1-1. but too late.

Sagittarius - you quickly grabbed your gun "OK, WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME?"

Capricorn - You stared "Is it because I grabbed the cookie in the jar, right?"

Aquarius - You gave them the middle finger and ran off.

Pisces - "Um, are you ok? do you need anything??" 

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