#44 (Story)

412 2 14

You were walking to the forest you always loved, however this time it was different. You saw a tall man with a tuxedo.....he had no face....

What did you do?

Aries - You blinked and just ignored it

Taurus - Oh dear, you gave them the finger and walk away.

Gemini - You slightly trembled but just ignoring them. Walking to another area.

Cancer - You quickly ran away, calling nine guan guan (lol, it means 9-1-1)

Leo - do you give a damn? nope, you continued to walk.

Virgo - You just looked at them, glaring at them. then stick out your tongue at them and run away, regretting it already

Libra - you ignored the, pretending to see the deer walking away.

Scorpio - You just blankly stare at them and give them the finger

Sagittarius - You had a gun and you're not afraif to use it.

Capricorn - You were like scared but happy at the same time-

Aquarius - You wave at the tall tuxedo and walk towards them, without no fear

Pisces - F.E.A.R. (means: Fuck.Everything.And.Run.)

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