#74 (story)

311 3 16

you were in your house chilling until you noticed someone was on your front door. He politely knocked and waited.

what did you do?

Aries - You ignored it.

Taurus - You opened the door and looked at him "Something wrong?"

Gemini - You just opened it and glared at him "im trying to sleep."

Cancer - you were cooking until you finished. You then realize he's gone.

Leo - You open the door "Can I help you?"

Virgo - You didnt answer, you were busy doing your stuff

Libra - Nope, you were alert it when you saw his face.

Scorpio - You were sleeping. nothing special.

Sagittarius - You were hearing music. you didnt want to move or anything so you stayed there until he left.

Capricorn - You ignored it, getting scared when you noticed his face.

Aquarius - You just politely opened the door, when he was abt to talk, you politely closed the door, and walked away. politely leaving him, giving him the finger.

Pisces - You just stared at him on the window. Hoping he wont notice but he did.

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