Ch 28: I forgive you... or do I?

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MACAQUES POV: We were like a mile away from Snake Demons layer and they were STILL bickering. I really can't believe that Redson was still asleep. I mean he's woke up a few times but I think it was because he was having a bad dream not because of the loud ass people behind us. Why do I think this? He would wake up shaking and scared every time, but of course I would calm him down till he fell asleep again like the good person I am. "COME ON MK TELL ME!!!" "I SAID NO MEI! SO STOP ASKING ME!!!" Mk yelled. I don't think my ears can take much longer. It felt like they were ready to explode into peices. I don't know why they don't just drop it. It's obvious Mk isn't going to tell them so why do they keep on asking!? "Please Mk we'll do anything!" The nerd begged. "I SAID-" "O. M. G! SHUT THE FUCK UP ALL OF YOU!! JUST SHUT YOUR BIG ASS MOUTHS UP HOLY SHIT!!! MK ALREADY NO SO STOP ASKING!! I BET Y'ALL DON'T EVEN REMEMBER WHAT YOU WERE ARGUING ABOUT!! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LONG I'VE HAD TO DEAL WITH THIS FOR!? YOU ALL ARE SO FUCKING LOUD AND ANNOYING MY EARS HAVE BEEN RINGING FOR THE PAST HOUR BECAUSE ALL I HEAR BEHIND ME IS YOUR NEVER ENDING BICKERING SO JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!" I roared. They all emedatly shut up and looked at me in fear. "Buddha please give me patience with these people." I whispered softly, groaning afterwards. "Look, were almost at Snake Demons layer and you guys have been nonstop yelling and bickering for HOURS. It's annoying and obnoxious, Mk already said no so stop asking him." I hissed. I stopped and turned around to look at them. "Now sit down were gonna run through the plan and what every ones jobs are." They all bobbled there heads in silence and sat down as I directed my shadow clone to where the others were and sat him down. I soon sat down as well and pulled out the plans. "... sorry about that Macaque." The pig man said scratching the back of his head. The rest of them nodded in agreement, except for PIF who was also a witness to there bickering. I looked at there sorry guilty faces and sighed. "You all definitely own me something but other than that I forgive you guys... just don't ever do that again. Atleast not while were stuck together. But anyways back to the plan." I said explaining everyone's part, though I was scared out of my mind. But somehow Mk, who was sitting next to me saw this and grabbed my hand then gave me a supporting smile. I wanted to swat it away and tell Mk that I didn't need his help but it reminded me of when that ginger haired monkey would squeeze my hand to help me. I squeezed his hand and imagined that it was Wukongs hand I was squeezing and continued with a little more confidence.

REDSONS POV: I had woken up a few time's because I kept dreaming about my father and mother but this time I managed to drift into deeper sleep... I was in a forest laying down in the wet green grass looking up at the bright blue sky that had puffy white clouds in it that moved ever so slowly with the winds breeze. I have no idea if this forest was the same one we were in before, the other forest was pretty, sure. But this one was just ten times better and this dream so far showed no sign of my father. I sat up in the wet grass that soaked my clothing ever so slightly and looked around the bright green forest to see what would happen this time before something caught my eye. "Noodle Boy?..." I squinted at the small figure before I was assured it was the one and only monkie kid who was walking closer to me with every step he took. "*gasp!* REDSON SO THAT YOU!? OH THANK BUDDHA!" The dark brown haired person spoke happily. He started running towards me before he tackled me in a hug which caused us both stumble for a few seconds before we bumped into a tree. "I thought I was the only one in this forest!" Noodle Boy laughed next to me. I was glad that it wasn't my father but I still was confused as fuck. "What happened? Were is everyone?" "That's why I'm happy to see you! I have no idea where everyone is! But hey look on the bright side! Atleast we have eachother now!!" Noodle boy gushed, pulling me into a tight hug. "LET ME GO PEASANT! what happened to personal space!?" I yelled trying to pry him off. "Oh come on Spicy you know you like it~" Noodle boy hummed rubbing his hands along my sides. I blushed and looked at the brown haired person in shock. "W-what did you just call me?..." I muttered turning my head to the side to hide my blush. "Do you need me to repeat it? I said do you like it Spicy~" My eyes widened and I looked at him. Was this guy trying to lust me!? He simply layed his head on my shoulder and started to move his hands down to my waist. "W-woah Noodle Boy the fuck is wrong with you!? Get off!" I hissed. I grabbed his hands and took them off my body but he smirked even more. "What?" "Oh Red you wanna know something?~" He hummed in my ear making a wave of shock go down them. "W-what?" Noodle boy yanked his hands out of my grip and caged my head between them. He sat up infront of me and pinned me to the tree. The pink blush on my face became a dark red in the matter of seconds. "Your face is really red right now.~" The boy snickered. 'Since when has this idoit been so confident and blunt?... he's being so annoying' "I swear if you don't get off of me I'm going to burn you." I threatened but the boy on top of me just laughed. "Alright alright! Calm down hot stuff I just wanted to have a little fun!" 'HOT STUFF!?!!' I felt my hair blow up into a flame of fire. "Oh what's wrong Red? Can't handle the nicknames, firefly~" Noodle boy teased. "E-eh- wah- I.... y-you... I...." I tried to say anything back but failed miserably. I just stopped trying and was left paralyzed in place by him. I abruptly woke up having the same blush on my face as I tried to gather my thoughts. 'What the fuck!? Why did about that!? And out of every topic I dreamed of that- Wait... what does this say of how I view that peasant!?! Do I not really hate him!? Do I like him?!! N-No impossible!-' "Redson your awake!" Noodle Boy said cutting my thoughts short. Everyone instantly shot there heads in my direction and looked at me. "Where are we?" I yawned, fixing my posture. "Redson! Just on time so I could tell you your assigned role, or do you remember?" Macaque asked coming out of shadow portal right infront of me. I blinked harshly before I awnsered him. "I remember." I would of awnsered more formal but I didn't feel the wet grass underneath me and I was questioning why. I looked at my legs to see I was on something but in all honesty have no idea what it is. I turned my head behind me and I was instantly met with a shadow clone. "AH!" I jumped out of it's lap in fear before apologizing to it. "Please forgive me for the lack of manners! I'm so sorry!" I apologized. "It's okay Redson there's no need to apologize. He said he was fine with it, right Sombra!" Sombra (shadow clone) nodded. "he's the one who carried you the whole way." Macaque smiled. Huh so the shadow clone has a name... "Nice name- Wait for how long did he carry me for!?" It didn't really sit well with me knowing someone was carrying me for a long period of time. I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST GONNA BE FOR A LITTLE BIT! Sombra probably thinks I weigh like a hippo! He's gonna call me fat and make fun of me for it! All of the sudden my body felt disgusting, it was like all my clothing didn't fit right, like if they could burst at any second. I could feel my chin growing into a triple chin and my stomach looked like a big balloon that could pop at any moment. "I don't know, around 7 miles-" "WHAT!" It felt like I had gained 20 pounds just by gasping in all that air. "I'm so sorry! You must've been dying! D-did I burn you or scratch you!? You could of just left me I could of found my way! My father used to just drop me and leave me there all the time! He said I weighed to much, I can't imagine how much I put you through! I'm please forgive me sombra!" I spiralled looking at sombra. He just sat there confused on why I was apologizing, it looked like he had no idea what to do. "Chill out Redson! First off that part were you weigh to much is complete bull shit! The last time your father picked you up was when you were four. He must've been down right bananas if he thought you heavy. And second off all why would sombra just drop you? If you've forgotten he's a shadow clone, he can't feel anything besides, he's one of the kindest shadow clones I have. And last off why do you think you would burn or scratch him?" I looked at the nosey people around us and then back at Macaque. I got close to his ears and tryed to be super quiet whispering into them, I know how sensitive they are to loud noises. "Can I tell you another time.... please?" I was barley making a sound but Macaque heard and sat back with a reassuring smile. "Sure Red. And for you sombra." Macaque started. The Shadow clone perked up at the sound of his name. "I'll see you another time okay? Okay bye!" Macaque smiled. Sombra smiled back and waved goodbye before evaporating. "Soooo can we continue on this journey?" Dragon girl asked standing up. "Hmh- Oh yeah! Come on." Macaque said standing up as well. The two of them started walking away while talking together and everyone was soon to follow- except me. I tryed to stand up but fell in an instant with a groan. But of course the Monkie Kid heard this and turned around to probably see what it was. "Oh- Red!" He instantly ran to me and held out his hand for me to grab it. "Sorry Red! I completely forgot about this!" He laughed, and for some reason it made my body feel all warm and soft. I mumbled and took his hand, he swooped me up and let me use him as support. "I would never have token your help but it seems like everyone forgot about it except you. So I'll accept it.... Thanks for this though." I gave him a genuine tiny smile as we started walking. "Oh wow..." "What?" "This is the first time I've seen you smile at me in days.... kind of surprising." He blushed, I noticed this but I think it was just out of embarrassment but I couldn't blame him I was also starting blush. "Well don't get used to it!" I huffed flusteredly, looking away from the peasant. 'Hey... this kind of reminds me of when this clumsy cult's caught me on the jet... I never thanked him.... BUT HE DOESN'T DESERVE MY THANKS AFTER ALL HE'S DONE!?.....' I thought about this for a little bit longer before clearing my throat to interupt the awkward silence between us. "I... um- thank you Noodle Boy." I muttered looking back at him. "For what?" He asked tilling his head slightly, he looked at me with a small smile on his face. "For... for gosh why is it so hard to say!" I blushed at the thought of me being sincere to such a peasant. "Well come on I don't got all day." Noodle Boy teased. I glared at him for a hot second before continuing. "Okay, but before I do I just want you to know that it's not easy being so kind to a brat like you okay?" "Okay! Okay I get it, but I am really thankful by the way." Noodle Boy added. I gave a scoff. "Sure sure... but- um.... Thank you for everything... just thank you... I hate to admit it but I don't think I would of come this far if it weren't for you... You've done so much for me like helping me hide my bruises and scars from people. You've helped me with my health and mental health and you were only person that noticed I wasn't eating, I still kinda hate you for that." I chuckled. "But still no matter how much I refused you still made me eat... and you've stuck to my side no matter how mean or bratty I am to you....." I took a long pause thinking if I should really say this next part. "You've caused me to have so many mixed emotions and feelings. Joyful, sad, furious, pain, etcetera- I can always push these emotions to the side but whenever you do something stupid for me I just start the scicle of emotions again. I was so busy keeping my true emotions balled up inside of me I never actually thanked you for those nice things you did for me... you are actually the only person- other than Macaque that sees my value or that actually looks at my work and thinks Hey! That's actually really cool and talented! And you've tryed to talk to me but I'm just stuck in the past... I'm sorry I just.... It was hard when you left me you know?... I'm trying really hard to understand that you didn't mean to leave me but- I... I just can't help holding a grudge.. I'm sorry just please understand that you were the only peasant in this world that actually saw my potential in life and you just straight up just ghosted me! I know, I know your sorry but that can't change what you did. But that doesn't mean I'm not grateful for all the things you've done for me. You really have helped me, more than most could... and I never thanked you, so here it is... thank you Noodle Boy.. for everything." I finished looking at him with embarrassment, I don't think I've ever been this honest with him.. "wow... I didn't think you thought that way... thank you for all that." Noodle Boy muttered sounding flustered as fuck. I wanted to be angry at him for feeling that but... for some reason I was also flustered. I want to scream these emotions away and bury them in a pit to stop them from growing but I couldn't which of course only made me more angry. "RRAAHHH!! WIPE THAT STUPID SIMLE OFF YOUR FACE! MY WORDS MEAN NOTHING DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME? I SAID I CAN'T FORGIVE YOU AND I PROBABLY NEVER WILL!! NOW STOP BEING SO HAPPY FOR ONCE!" The peasants smile was washed away in a second, though he didn't seem or look surprised. It bothers me, he bothers me, EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM BOTHERS ME!... well bothers isn't the right word more like jealousy. I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY IM JEALOUS OF SUCH A PEASANT!... he just has it so easy... he always looks and is happy. I envie his life. He has no troubles, he always looks at ease and cheerful like if he had no troubles! I don't know how he is living such a good life when he's faced so many problems like trauma and shit. I'm jealous of how he has such powers and... friends. I never had friends. The closest thing I've ever gotten to friends is when my parents would put me on dates with demon Princess so we could get more powerful. I didn't like that one bit I still don't but they still do it and that's another thing I'm jealous of. I glared at the monkie kid with jealousy. I want his life and I want his feeling of not having a single care in the world. I stared at Noodle boy with guilt for failing and disappointing my parents. I could never be good enough... I want to be like noodle brain, proud and care free... but I wasn't and I hate that I'm not! If I could ask for one thing in life it would to be better or atleast be like the peasant next to me. I feel ungrateful for wanting that stuff and feelings but I can't help it! I don't know why or how I could want and hate something so much... he's so annoying and cheerful. I hate that he left me, watching him have fun with his friends, laughing, cheering, going on adventures and journeys together, talking, just enjoying each others company while I was rotting away in my room doing slave work for my parents was something I could and would never forgive him for. I don't know how to feel about him. I like that he sticks by me and actually approves of me but at the same I hate it!... Maybe I hate it because I actually like it... NO! LIES! I COULD NEVER LIKE SUCH A PEASANT!- "um Redson.. can you lay off the death stare... I can feel your eyes burning holes though my face." I snapped out of my thoughts and instantly realized that I had been staring at him the whole time. "Oh shit sorry..." I looked to the other side, trying to avoid the others confused gaze.


HA! Bet you all thought that they were finally be friends again, but no. But hey atleast in this chapter we saw some of Redsons true emotions and not the fake ones he puts on for show. WHEN WILL THIS FIRE DEMON LEARN!? Shake my head. ALSO I'M SO SORRY FOR JUST DISAPPEARING, I'LL TRY AND MAKE IT UP TO YALL! BUT UNTIL NEXT TIME MY SILLY BILLY'S!

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