Ch 6: Or do they

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MACAQUES POV: Me and Princess Iorn Fan made a plan to rescue sunwukong it took a lot of begging but she agreed "you must really love him, don't you Liu'er." Princess Iorn Fan said looking at me I blushed "WHAT!? NO I UM.." "don't lie to me Liu'er it's obvious you still love him I won't judge you, you should tell him how you feel about him its obvious he likes you to" she smiled softly at me " I-I don't like him he killed me! I should hate him with all my guts!" "Oh but you don't... do you?" PIF asked, I shook my head side to side "ah so you do love him." "Yes of course I do with all my heart... but what if he doesn't love me in the way I love him or worse he hurts me again!?..." I sighed looking at PIF "well you can never know until you try and if he does hurt you again I'll be ready this time." She said that last part in a lower colder tone then the soft sweet voice she had before I blushed "thanks Iorn Fan... b-but let's get back to the plan!" I said flusteredly PIF chuckled at me before continuing to talk about were snake demon lived before I got distracted by a thunk and some sobs but I ignored it 'probably just Mk I'll check up on him later' I thought as I continued to listen to Iorn Fan

REDSONS POV: I made it home and bumped into the wall sobbing I can admit I did a pretty good job of hiding it with those peasants I mean sure I made a fool out of myself a couple of times but I made it home so I could cry all I wanted now but it was bothering me did they really want to help me? ... I let out a sob as I ran to my room before anyone saw me I grabbed the door nob opened the door, almost instantly falling to my knees, bursting into tears "god I'm such a peasant! Can't I go one moment without thinking about my Father?! Or-or the fact that they wanted to help me I'm pushing them away! I-I don't want to be alone!... I want to be friends with those peasants just like when we defeated LDB!... I just can't..." I sobbed and sobbed 'I really wanted friends I had been lonely my whole life all I really wanted was to have-' "ummm Redson?" 'OMG NOODLE BOYS STILL HERE HOW COULD I FORGET!'

MKS POV: Redson just fell on the floor crying then just started venting I just woke up from my nap a few minutes ago and started reading this book I found on his bed side table then he just burst in and started sobbing and venting "Redson?" I said softly he looked up at me in shock I think he forgot I was here "n-noodle boy..." his eyes were puffy as he wipped his tears away sitting on the floor no longer curled up into a ball, his face also had a light pink tinted on his cheeks like if he was embarrassed to be seen crying "I hope you don't mind me asking ... but all that you said true?" I asked in the softest, sweetest tone I had "what are you gonna make fun of me..." he sniffled hugging his knees avoiding eye contact with me "what no! You obviously are going through some shit! I would never make fun of you for it!" Redson started to smile before squeezing his eyes shut and yelling in pain "NOT AGAIN" He sobbed grabbing the right side of his stomach "REDSON!" I used my gold vision to see what the hell was going on, he had a HUGE bruis bigger than mine on the side of his stomach, I also saw that the weird potion he put on me earlier would help him "HANG ON RED!" I yelled ignoring the throbbing pain I felt as I moved off the bed, grabbing the potion and sitting down next to him in a hurry, I lifted his shirt up and dumped the whole potion on his bruis then started rubbing it in ... 'nothing's happening!?' I felt panic rush over my body "oh god PLEASE HELP ANYONE?!!" I screamed even though Redson had Pacificly told me not to earlier but I had to I had no idea what was going on was this normal?! Redson had cared so much for me and tryed to do everything to help me when he was worse than me "IS ANYONE HERE?!! HELP!!" I screamed louder the potion was dripping on the floor and was just a complete mess, Redson grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight "OW! Redson That's a really tight grip!" Redson didn't change his grip on me he just let out another yell, salty tears streaming down his face "my sweet child..." I looked up to see PIF and macaque "Mk what happened?!" Macaque asked looking at me as PIF placed Redson on the bed doing this wavy comfo to ... I'm gonna guess heal him "Mk? What happened?!" Macaque asked again "Idk! He just came in here crying then he started screaming in pain!" I didn't know what to say! I really didn't know what happened "I don't understand he was fine when I left him at pigsys noodles, he was with demon pig, nerd with over sized glasses, and dragon girl do think they did something?" Macaque questioned still looking at me "idk either they wouldn't have but u can go check!" I smiled trying to stand up I wobbled here and there but I was standing! "No Mk your pretty hurt and heck you can barley stand straight I'll come with you Iorn fan can stay to watch Redson sound good?" "Yes, it's too dirty over there anyways." PIF awnsered "yeah sounds good to me to! Let's go!" I smiled "I'm sorry I can't take you seriously with your nipples showing." Macaque chuckled I looked down to remember what I was wearing then blushed "hehe let me go find you a shirt be right back!" Macaque laughed going through a shadow portal then returning with my og monkey king sweater, red pants, and my white shirt with the red and black circles in the middle "SWEET! did you go to my apartment?!" Macaque nodded "YASSS LET ME GET DRESSED!" I grinned as macaque gave me a small smile in return
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~yeahhhhh extra long chapter to pay off the last one that was pretty short any ways I don't remember if that potion helps Redson or not but oh well until next time my silly billys

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