Ch 25: Cause and affect of a fire demon

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REDSONS POV: I stopped in a tree but only because I couldn't continue. It was one of the many trees around flower fruit mountain. I'm panting, sweating, and dizzy. "Oh my goodness that hurt..." I groaned, grabbing my stomach. "But it's worth it, there's no way in hell that I'm talking to that woman... I refuse." I felt a sting in my eyes as I held back my tears. "Oh my godess Redson stop crying! She doesn't care about you.... and neither sould you." I let out a sigh before it quickly stiffened into a yell. I removed my hands off my stomach and moved them to my throbbing head. "Shit shit SHIT -NGH- Why is it so loud!?" I asked feeling a liquid between my fingers. "Am I bleeding? -GAH- it's so blurry and loud I-I don't like it... make it stop!..." "hehe this is funny, way to funny." Little Redson. That bitch, I knew how his voice sounded like I didn't even need to look at him. "No it's not..." I mumbled still clutching my head that felt like it was ready to explode. "Fine let's say interesting instead! Look man your parents don't care about and that's funny! HAHA!" The Little demon laughed only making things louder. "Shut up..." "It's obvious to all of us that YOUR LIVING IN YOUR HEAD! JUST STOP BEING SO STUBBORN!!" I felt my body start to fire up more, soon I would be devoured in a ball of fire if I didn't calm down. But it was hard to, I tryed to calm myself down by yelling at myself but Little Redsons voice was louder than my own. I couldn't control myself the pain, the blurry-ness, the laughter- the LOUD ANNOYING laughter was to much for me to handle. "I hope I don't... I don't know... LEAVE YOU CRAZY! HA-" A huge wave of fire exploded from my body upwards, high up in the air. It burned almost all the trees leaf's and the trunk caught on fire. All of the emotions I'm feeling right now were starting to rise inside my chest like the foam of a can of beer. Tears fled from my eyes and down my cheeks. I don't want to cry though I feel so pathetic, ONLY PEASANT CRY! And yet I've cryed almost this whole trip.... I was still clutching my head as hard as I possibly could, trying to stop the loudness but something else caught my attention. I heard a loud voice that wasn't mine or Little Redsons. "REDSON!?" I froze for a few seconds before I wipped away my tears, I also tryed to calm my fire down but nothing happened- I was in way to much destress. But my body did extinguish just not my hair. But even then my body would start to spark here and there. "N-noodle Boy?" I awnsered sheepishly, though I didn't want to be talking to him. I told him how I felt I VENTED TO HIM, HIM! THE ENEMY, THE MOST ANNOYING PEASANT IN THE WORLD!! "ARE YOU OKAY?" He yelled "Yeah I-it was nothing..." I awnsered but I'm not sure if he heard me. I could hear him pulling out his staff before he boasted himself up into the tree and plopped down right- well almost right next to me. I looked over to where Little Redson used to be but he was gone- by no surprise. "Get away from me." I hissed "What? Redson you can't be serious you just burned a whole tree! I saw that fire explosion YOU did that! Leaving you alone in these conditions will not-" "Look it's better for the... the b-both of us -ngh- shit..." The nausea finally caught up to me. I growled at the pain, I tryed to look at the reaction Noodle Boy had after that but I couldn't even make out which part of his face was which, which was also slightly irritating. "Redson you don't look so good..." Noodle Boy complained Pft- like if I'd believe he cared. "I'll have you know- I'm... I'm great.." I snapped letting my head go. "WOAH RED YOUR HANDS ARE ALL BLOODY! LET ME SEE YOUR FACE!" Noodle Boy yelled causing a loud wave of ringing in my ears. "Didn't you... hear me? I-I said leave me alone." I nagged, looking down at my supposedly 'bloody hands'. But as always it didn't last long before I felt a pair of hands on my face. "OW! FUCK RED YOUR FACE IS HOT HOLY OW!!" "MEI!" Noodle Boy screamed. The hands instantly retracted and left my face. "I DIDN'T KNOW YOUR SKIN COULD GET SO HOT!! OWWWWWEEE!!!" Dragon girl wailed, I could tell it hurt. "WHY WOULD YOU TOUCH HIM!?" "I WANTED TO SEE HIS FACCCEEEEE!" Dragon girl cryed. As my anger grew so did my fire. "I HOPE YOU LEARNED YOUR LESSON PEASANT! HOLY FUCK YOU BOTH ARE SO LOUD AND ANNOYING!!!" I burst into flames... but it wasn't my regular red fire this on was... bule? "N-no NO wait t-this hurts!" I got up and tried to stop my fire from growing stronger. But not only that something was burning me, for the first time in my life I was feeling the pain of being burnt but why? I haven't felt anything like it but boy o boy does it hurt. "ACK! STOP STOP STOP! YOU USELESS W-WORTHLESS SHIT! AAHH!" It felt like my body was slowly being pealed down to the bone. I can barely feel the branch underneath me as I scream and yell in agony. I take a step back to not burn the peasants as well as to stop the blue flames that were burning me. The sharp burning sensation is constant and hurts like hell. "REDBOY!?" It was most definitely Dragon girl who yelled that. Another scream of pure agony ripped right out of my throat. I took a step back but felt nothing grasp my foot and before I could even comprehend what was happening I was falling. "REDSON!" "REDBOY!" Both peasants cryed. The shock of the fall instantly whisked away my fire, I was so relieved that it finally stopped that I gave no reaction to the fact that I was falling to my possible demise. I let my tired, dizzy eyes drift shut, Ethier ways my back was facing the ground so I couldn't really tell when I was going to hit the ground anyways. 'I would have never thought that I would die like this... nor that my fire would just burn me like that, what even caused that.... but hey look at the positives at least I don't have to deal with my parents and my blood will no longer bother me... also these third degree burns... and my dizziness that makes me want to vomit...' I thought and gave a small smile. I was going to hit the ground soon and it was going to be agony but instead I hit something... soft? "Holy shit Redson that was close!" Macaque... I cracked my eyes open and looked at the black furred monkey, he was holding me bridge style and looked panicked. "What where you doing up there- REDSON YOUR BLEEDING AND YOUR HANDS ARE ALL BURNT! WHAT HAPPENED!?" Macaque yelled, I could hear all the painc in his voice. His hands were only making my burns feel worse but I only closed my eyes again and rested my tired head on his shoulder feeling like shit. "Heh I feel like shit.." I chuckled. "Well what happened? Redson? Redson!" The shadow Demon shook me after I gave no response. I only hissed in response, the shake he gave me caused a wave a pain through my body. "Sorry kid just keep your eyes open you look dead and it's hard to tell if your alive or not. No offense." Macaque said. I felt us move down signaling that we had sat down, Macaque removed my head off his shoulder and lifted my coat sleeve. "RED, your arms are also all burnt! I didn't even know you could get burnt!?" I felt some cream being applied to both of my burnt arms before they were rapped up in what it feels like... some bandages. I whimpered the whole time- every touch of any object hurt like hell itself. "I'm so sorry for this kiddo." "Hmh- AAAHHH STOP PLEASE! AHHHHH!!" Macaque started dabbing something on my head that burned. It almost burned more than my fire. My eyes bolted open and instantly started to water. "I know I know! I'm sorry! But this will help you!" I ignored the monkeys wise words and tried to push him away, but nothing happened so I just layed in the wet grass and accepted it. 'Maybe this will help me with my pain..'

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