ch 1:Where am i? oh never mind its just redson WAIT REDSON?!?

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MK'S POV: I was training with my mentor or in other words monkey king in a forest because last time I accidentally hit a baby monkey on flower fruit mountain and now he dosen't trust me up there so here we are I had won 1 round out of 30 but that's still good... I think "wow bud great work today you've definitely improved!" Monkey king said laying back on a rock "thanks monkey king that means a lot to me!" I smiled I was about to sit down in the grass but a felt a something hard hit my head and I passed out that thing that hit my head must of been real heavy, all I can remember is monkey king yelling "MK" and rushing towards me... I woke up in a room that was fairly clean and organized with healing things for wounds and a first aid kit on the bed side table with a glass of water and some pain pills "hello?" I couldn't really talk because it caused me so much pain I looked down to see myself in black shorts and my stomach covered in web roll (wtf is a web roll?) That was bloody I heard the door creak open i emidatley looked up to see who it was "REDSON?!" I yelled before coughing I hadn't seen him since the fight with LBD which was a long time ago like 1 year or something "SHHH will you be quite! If my parents find out you're here they're gonna kill me so PLEASE keep it down will you peasant" I looked at him in confusion I was confused! There was so many questions in my head but the main question taunting my head was why was I here " what happened to me?" I questioned as he looked at me hesitantly before walking up to me and sitting down on the bed i was on right next to me kind of he was more far then close "be thankful I'm even sitting close to you okay!?" Redson said in the sassy tone he's always had I nodded in response "good, so I don't EXACTLY know what happened but I'll explain the best I can, so I was in the forest because my mother told me to get umm ... that's not important anyways I heard some voices so I followed it and crazy enough it was you and your crappy mentor-" "HEY HE'S NOT CRAPPY!" "DO YOU WANT ME TO TELL YOU OR NOT?!" Redson yelled his hair flaring into flames obviously irritated I huffed and crossed my arms "thank you now were.. ah yes, you and your crappy mentor" I glared at him as he said that but stayed silent "I hid in a near by Bush i wanted to see what you two were doing out here then out of nowhere this VERY ugly demon hit you on your dumb head with it's staff that looked pretty heavy and two other fat or buff demons held ur crazy, crappy mentor to the ground, then the demon that hit you and left you unconscious just started beating you up and the other two just let your mentor watch idk, but you're mentor started to try and escape to help you probably but he couldn't so he started crying and took a breath in and let this high pitched scream that only got louder and louder I covered my ears of how ugly and loud it was even the trees started shaking and all of the demons stopped to cover there ears so obviously they let the monkey go and man ur mentor beat the shit out of the demon that was hitting you" "yeah monkey kings cool like that" I smirked being real happy that monkey king defeated that demon jerk "I wouldn't be smiling.." Redson coughed my smirk disappeared "what do you mean?" " well the other two demons did not hesitate to run and well your mentor let the other demon run off with a hole in his chest.. that demon didn't make it far before falling to the floor" "well ... monkey king was just protecting me is that so bad?" I smiled again "that wasn't the bad part" "Then what is the 'bad' part huh?!" I air quoted "DON'T sass me peasant you know what I'm done! Your mentor vanished he's gone" Redson yelled back with the same amount of sass I had at first "what..."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ohhhh cliffhanger haha I'm already regretting writing this for sky(my friend) anyways I hope y'all that read this enjoyed BYE

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