ch 3: why am i helping and worrying about you?

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REDSONS POV: I slowly opened the door to see noodle boy covering his face with a pillow and laying flat on the bed I don't think he realised that i was in the room classic peasant thing I walked in the room fully and he still didn't move he just layed there like if he was dead.... "NOODLE BOY ARE YOU OKAY?!?!" I ran to him and threw the pillow that was on his face to the floor and sighed 'good he's sleeping... wait why am I so worried for him he's nothing but a peasant!' I thought as I turned around and grabbed the web roll that was on the bed side table then turned back around to face him 'gosh he looks so... peaceful and cut- NO! God damit stop with thoses thoughts Redson! Stay focused!' I shook my head trying to shake the thought, I shook noodle boy slightly not wanting to hurt him "hey peasant wake up I'm back" I said and to my shock he woke up but I could see that he was in a cold sweat as it dripped from his forehead as he groaned "what happened to you I left you for like 5 minutes?" I chuckled at his pain as I helped him sit up he groaned again as he layed against my bed frame "hurt" "pardon?" "Stomach.." he took a pause "just say it I don't got all day" I hissed as he side eyed me "my stomach..hurts" he mustered "hmm.. is it THAT bad?" I asked him, he nodded "well then I'll give you something to help with the pain in a few minutes also don't do that much sudden movements that dosen't help okay?" I looked at him and he nodded before groaning in agony again as I sat down next to him I looked down at the wrap around his stomach the back up at him "may i?" I said pointing at the bloody wrap around his stomach he just nodded I couldn't see the cold sweat dripping down his forehead anymore but there was definitely still some there and at least he wasn't groaning as much any more I carefully unwrapped it, when we got to the last part of the web roll noodle boy flinched sucking air and through his teeth I stopped and looked at him "u good?" He looked away and nodded "oh wow this is the quietest I've ever seen you this is great" I dramatically said "haha very fun redson" noodle boy answered just as dramatic as I continued until I finished I threw the wrap away and looked at noodle boys bruis it was pretty big and was all bloody and swollen, noodle boy turned around and looked at it as well "oh god it is bad... I cant image monkey kings" noodle boy muddered as I grabbed a cloth from my bed side table as well as this potion mother gave me that helps with wounds and other things "yo! redson what is that?!" He asked as I put the potion on the cloth "are you blind? It's a potion! to be more Pacific it's a healing potion mother made for me and now I'm using it for you your welcome" "ah yes thanks red!" "its redSON ugh you and dragon horse girl are the exact same!" I growled feeling my hair spark as I put the cloth with the potion on it on my lap to return the potion back to the side table as I did so felt eyes on me I turned around to see noodle boy staring at me "what?" "Ah! Sorry its just... why are you helping me? I thought you hated me?" Why am I helping this peasant? i could get in so much trouble by my father and maybe my mother "idk... but that's none of your business noodle boy now this may sting but keep on it'll help you" I warned pressing the cloth on his wound he Yelped is pain clutching his shorts "CRAP DO YOU R-REALY HAVE TO PUT PRESSURE?!" He yelled I nodded "told you so" i awnsered one minute I was fine but the the next I was lost in thoughts, 'thoughts about what really happened details I left out and thankfully he hadn't noticed I don't think at least like the fact I had to make a bull clone change him because his old clothes that he was wearing was all bloody or the fact I had to give him pain meds and I had to wrap his wound up not to mention disinfect it just in case' I felt myself applying pressure to noodle boys wound with the cloth 'oh and let's not forget the part were noodle boys mentor dissappered then this crazy maniacal laughter came from all around me and this womans face came from behind the tree smiling at me I ran towards it then she vanished and the laughter became louder and the words "you will never see sunwukong again" echoed from every where then everying was silent and I saw that peasant noodle boy all bloody so I ran to him, picked him up and used my fire to get us her-' "REDSON STOP!" I blinked harshly snapping out of my thoughts to see me applying most of my strength to his wound I emedatly removed my hand from his wound dropping the cloth on the floor in the process "WHAT THE HECK RED?!" Noodle boy yelled some tears rolling down his face probably because of the pain "oh- sorry" I quicky wrapped the new web roll around his stomach and left the room I needed help

MKS POV: He left slammed the door shut behind him 'what just happened?' I thought he just stared into space then started to apply pressure to my wound looking stressed he must of been in deep thought bc I kept saying his name and he didn't awnser or hear me if he's hiding something I gotta find out what it is but before that a quick nap wouldn't hurt I'm exhausted and once my head hit the pillow I was out cold

HEY YALL IT'S ME TOFER nah it's just me your fellow writer I really hate this but I get 5 bucks for every chapter I write as a bribery to keep going from my friend(sky) so yeah except more chapters to come until next time my silly billys

A Journey that change's everythingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora