Ch 20: Lingering past

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REDSONS POV: The picture was from when we defeated the Lady Bone Demon, it was pretty old. The picture showed Noodle Boy hugging me, kissing my right cheek out of joy, I had stuffed this picture in the back of all the pictures I had and to forget about it but now that I've seen it again I remember everything. I remember that day so clearly I can't tell if I miss it or if I hate it. My tears came back and this time I let them fall, I started gripping the picture tightly. "You know what Noodle Boy... I fucken hate you." I started burning the picture in my palm before stopping. I couldn't burn it, I stopped my fire. "UGH! Why can't I do this, Stupid Noodle Boy! Why do I care about you?! I hate you so fucking much IT'S JUST MY PEASANT EMOTIONS GETTING IN THE WAY!"

MK'S POV: I heard talking coming from the corner, I'm thinking its some demons taking are food but I'll never know if I don't go look. "So whhyyy can't we just take the jet and land infront of Snake demons cave?" Mei asked "Well if you weren't listen Princess Iorn Fan said that it would alert Snake Demon that were there and she also said that the trees are to thick to pass with the jet." Tang explained "Well then how about we use Mk's staff or Macaques shadow portal or Princess Iorn Fans wind teleportation or Redsons fire teleportation to get there faster and so that we don't need to walk!" Mei rambled. "Look Mei we hate this just as much as you." Pigsy huffed. "Yeah believe me" Tang started "But if you also don't remember Macaque said that the forest was immune to magic and if we weren't careful the magic could bounce off the trees right back us... but that's a risk I'm going to take if it means no walking." "Oh quit whining you two we'll be fine." Pigsy nagged. Soon they all started bickering, but not in a serious way they were laughing and making fun of one another saying how they were right and stuff. "Um guys I'll be right back." I said, but I went ignored, I smiled and walked to the corner. Once I made it I bumped into something and almost fell I looked down to see what it was. "RED!-" "WATCH WERE YOUR GOING!" "Sorry...But um... what are you doing on the floor?" He emedatly got up and wiped his face, he wasn't looking at me. 'Is he crying?' I thought before saying. "Uhhh you good?" "I'm fine." He growled, he tryed to take a step forward but fell to his knees. I offered my hand out infront of him but he swatted it away and continued to try and stand up by himself. "I'm not doing this again." I said pulling him up. I wrapped an arm around him while putting one of his arms over my shoulder. Redson paused for a second. He didn't react I saw him flinch like if shocked or angry and his hair was sparking flames. I heard him take a breath in and out. "Look peasant I'm in no mood for this so can you please let go." The way he said please sounded so much more heavy and dramatic compared to the rest of his sentence, and his hair was sparking more. "I will... if you can prove you can walk by yourself." "Pft- I'm not doing shit for you. Haven't I done enough?" I sighed and started walking him over to where everyone else was at. "Yes you have now let me help you." I said softly, we were almost at the corner before Redson stopped. "W-wait um... can you take me to the bathroom?" He sounded panicked. "Um sure? What for?" "To open a portal to the afterlife- What do you think peasant!?" He still didn't look at me, I could only see half of his face, the side that had the scar that looked like an x. If I was being honest, being this close to Redson gave me butterflies and made my skin tingle, I could see all the small features on his face and I could smell his lavender-cinnamon scent so clearly it made my face flush pink. "Redson?" "what?" "Can you look at me?..." He stayed silent expect for a small sniffle. I felt my eyes widen "are you crying?" I asked softly, he shook his head side to side. "Can you look at me?" I asked again "Can you just back off?" Redson snapped. "Look Redson I'm sorry but you have to look at me. No matter how much you've done for me I need to see your face." "Why!? Why do you want to see my face?! To see if I'm CRYING? It's not a big deal! Your just making this a big deal!!" That awnsered my question, he was crying. "I'm sorry for whatever I did to you bu-" "Whatever- WHATEVER!?" Redson turned his head towards me in a quick motion. I could now see tears starting to form in his tired eyes. "So you don't remember what you did!? WHAT YOU DID TO ME!?!" I tryed to think about anything I could of done but nothing came up. "I-I- What I do?!?" I felt the tension betweenus building up. "YOU LEFT ME BEHIND!" Redson screamed sending a wave of fire towards the wall infront of us, burning it up. It went quite, it was like the whole world heard and wanted to listen in on what was happening. Redson looked at me angrily and I looked a him sympathetically. "L-leave you? I-I don't- I... When did I leave you?" I muttered I was on the verge of tears as well. I never left him, I loved him, I didn't want him to be mad at me. "Of course you don't remember- here let me show you." Redson pushed me away and he fell to the floor, he adjusted himself so he was sitting. "Redson..." I croaked, tears were starting to fall from my eyes. He lifted his arms and started a flame, it slowly turned into two figures. Him and... me, with Mei and everyone else as well. "Wow... I didn't know you could do this... Is... is this when w-we defeated the lady bone demon?" I uttered wiping my tears away, I saw Redson do the same. "Yes." The two figures started moving they were laughing and spinning around. "I was so happy, you guys were my friends and I trusted you all, though I never showed it." Redson spoke as I observed the two of us. "Hey that's when I went to take you out for ice cream for the first time." I sniffled. I sat down infront of Redson and the fire figures. My eyes looked at the fire infront of me with awe 'You have a little ice cream on your nose' Redsons fire figure spoke, you could see the firey hand wipe my face I blushed at the memory, I was in love with the moment... but then it disappeared. 'What?' I looked up from the fire to Redson, he was shaking slightly and was made something else appear 'HAHA YES! WE DID IT GOODBYE LADY BONE DEMON!' My fire figure blurted happily 'WE DID IT GUYS!! HAHA' you could see tears streaming down the fire figures face as well as mine. Everyone was cheering and laughing, happy that it was finally over. 'REDSON WHY AREN'T YOU CHEERING!? GET OVER HERE!' 'Oh um I'm not really-' and just like that I swooped him into a hug and kissed his cheek. I blushed "I don't see how this proves your point." I mumbled flusteredly. "Well then let me speed it up for you, to show you what happed after the day we defeated the lady bone demon, in MY perspective." The fire moved again but this time it only showed Redson alone, with his parents. 'Did you help that thief?' DBK's voice asked roughly 'Yes- but-but before you get mad I HAD TO! You even know it, the whole world was at stake and-' 'AND WHAT? You decide to help the enemy!?' The fiery DBK took a step towards Redson. 'He isn't actually that bad- I mean don't get me wrong he's the most annoying peasant I've ever met... but he's good to me and I wouldn't give that up for the world.' Firey Redson finished. I felt my body tingle 'did he really say all that about me!?' I thought, trying to hide my excitement, but it was short lived. The more it continued the more yelling happened and each time that happened I would see the fiery Redson flinch and the real Redson flinch as well. 'I CARE ABOUT HIM, I CARE ABOUT ALL THOSE PEASANTS- THERE MY FIRENDS!' The fiery Redson earned a hard slap to the face. 'DON'T YOU EVER YELL AT ME! NOW BEFORE I GET MORE ANGRY GO MAKE MORE BULL CLONES, WE PLAN TO INVADE THE CITY!' 'B-but can't the city have a break? Don't you think the people are traumatized-' The fiery Redson got a punch to the face. And he held his cheek tightly. 'THAT'S IT ONCE I'M DONE WITH YOU YOUR GOING TO BE LOCKED IN YOUR ROOM FOR GOOD AND YOUR NOT COMING OUT AND YOU'RE NEVER TO BE SEEN WITH THOSE BRATS AGAIN OR ELSE I'LL MAKE SURE THEY CAN NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN' Redsons fire figure started backing up, you could actually see fear in the figures face 'AND DON'T YOU THINK I'M DONE WITH YOU YET IM GOING TO TEACH YOU A LESSON FOR CARING FOR SOME PUNNY PEOPLE!' And just like that the fire Demon Bull King ran towards the fiery Redson and hit him. A huge flame erupted and everything disappeared. I looked up at Redson, he was starting to cry. "H-hey it's okay!!"

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