ch 2:Tears, comfort, and embarrassment

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MK'S POV: "what..." I felt dread fall through my body "what do you mean by he's gone..." I felt my eyes start to water "what I mean is he's GONE! Monkey king turned to you still crying, he was looking right at you then he took a step forward and he was gone he VANISHED, GONE, BYE BYE!, HE VANISHED INTO THIN AIR idk what to tell you!" Redson smiled holding his head high probably proud that he came on top of the sass competition we were having "no... no it can't be.." my voice was all high pitched and wobbly I felt my heart start to pound in my chest and I suddenly felt dizzy Redson looked at me, no longer holding his head high in the air with pride any more " a-are you crying?" "What do you mean gone?! Is he okay?!?" I sniffled, starting to hear a ringing in my ears as I tryed really hard to not break down into tears in front of my enemy "I-" "joking your j-joking right?" I looked at him as my tears started to fall from my eyes "noodle boy- I didn't mean to make you cry... that is the truth b-but don't cry!" Redson was no longer as confident I could tell that he didn't know how to act but I couldn't stop my tears from coming the ringing in my ears got louder as I started to panic then my thoughts took over 'great what did you do this time' 'useless Mk can't even defend himself or his mentor' 'Redson is going to laugh at you for crying' 'he probably thinks your a crybaby now, nice first impression' 'and your mentor can be seriously hurt in the middle of nowhere all because you couldn't defend yourself all because YOU AREN'T GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANYONE' 'STOP CRYING REDSONS JUDGING YOU' I couldn't stop it was like the universe wanted me to embarrass myself and make me miserable because my thoughts got worse and worse, the ringing in my ears got louder, and my tears got worse as well, I put my hands on my face and dug my nails into my face sobbing "i know i know I'm- WOAH WHAT ARE DOING!?!?" Redson yelled the sound of panic in his voice I felt strong hands on my wrist shortly after that pulled my hands away from my face I looked at Redson right in the eyes trying to pull my hands back to my face still sobbing "NOODLE BOY STOP! THIS ISN'T GOING TO HELP US RIGHT NOW!" He sounded angry and his hair was starting to spark again I knew I didn't have the strength to beat him right now but I still tryed becoming weaker and weaker until I finally gave up against his grip, I let my face go limp as I sobbed looking down "I-im sorry" "gosh I'm gonna regret saying this aren't I..." Redson sighed "noodle boy please don't- I know your sad but please don't cry that won't help, I can help you, we can both look for wukong together.. and I know that's meaningless but-" i cut him off by giving him a big hug letting it a muffled "Thank you" on his shoulder while I cried, digging my face deeper into his shoulder I thought he would push me off but to my surprise he hugged me back he was hesitant at first but he actually hugged me that made me feel slightly better, we just sat on the bed hugging till my tears stopped and I heard Redson say " um noodle boy I'm really glad you're no longer crying... but you've been nuzzling into my neck for a while and it's quiet uncomfortable" my eyes widened and I emedatly back away, off his neck and away from the hug, 'how did end I end up at his neck's?!' I thought as I looked at Redsons face it was a light pink barley seeable but I bet mine was see able "OH GOSH I'M SO SORR-" I started coughing again I had completely forgot about my wound Redson started patting my back softly to help me probably 'gosh this was embarrassing!'

REDSONS POV: once he was done coughing I stopped patting his back and looked at him his face was bright pink just like his lips gosh... IDK IF MY STUPID BRAIN STOPPED WORKING or something but I pulled noodles boys face closer to mine observing his lips he let out a Yelp and it snapped me out of my stupid trance I was in we both made eye contact I blushed and quickly pushed his face away as I felt my hair go up into flames I got up from the bed and quickly said "SHUTUPISAWSOMETHINGONYOURFACEOKAYIJUSTWANTEDTOCHECKIMJUSTGOINGTOGRABSOMENEWWEBROLL (I now know what web roll is) FORYOURWOUND... OKAYBYE!" I dashed towards the door opening it then slaming it shut behind me I let out a big sigh trying to calm myself down 'god I'm such a peasant!' I huffed as I walked to the bathroom slaming the door shut when I made it, i looked in the mirror and blushed 'the look in his eyes when i did that' -GAH- 'what am I thinking I haven't fallen for him again I don't like that peasant I DON'T! and I never will not again... and anyways were enemies and I lied to him I do know what happened next I do know what happened to wukong that noodle boy just isn't ready I'll tell him sooner or later' I splashed water on my face then remembered the web roll is already in my room man I was gonna look so smart going back in there empty handed just to grab it off the bed side table and wait a minute I was letting that peasant lay on MY bed and stay in MY room oh god "I didn't think this trough" I sighed as I opened the bathroom door starting to walk back to my room once I made it I stopped at the door I took a breath in and out before hesitantly opening it
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ohhhh some of Redsons past emotions for Mk are in this.... god this fanfic is going to be a long one but anyways here ya are yet another part (I already hate this)

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