Chapter 21: The handsome stranger

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"I think we need to split up

Around an hour later, they are heading for the door. It's a short walk to the place where the careers fair is being held. Once inside, they see rows of stalls, each advertising their businesses. They both stand a little awestruck at the scale of it. Each area was sectioned off into different career paths. 

"I think we need to split up." Josh suggests, seeing the I.T. area nowhere near the hospitality and catering area.

He looks at Josh, eyeing up the 'Bright Futures!' banner and how excited he seemed. This did nothing for his own insecurity. "We'll meet back here then." He replies, seeing Josh not take his eyes off the array of opportunities being advertised, leaving Peter to venture wherever he pleases.

Josh makes his way to a table for a local I.T. firm. It seemed like easy money. A no-brainer. He picks up a leaflet explaining available opportunities and positions at the company. The area starts filling up with lots of people, and the desk becomes crowded. With the information he needs, he steps backwards away from the table, unaware that someone is standing right behind him. 

Josh accidentally treads on his feet, then automatically puts his hands out to the side to steady himself, gripping onto the person's jacket. "S... sorry I didn't know you were there," so embarrassed that he can feel his cheeks getting hot. 

"That's ok. It was an accident." the young man replies. He sees that Josh has dropped his information on the ground. "Oh, I think you dropped these." He starts to gather the scattered pieces of paper on the floor.

Josh quickly crouches down to help. "Oh, thank you... and sorry again." He replies. 

The man pauses to look at one of the leaflets Josh has dropped. It is all about creating new computer programs. "So you're a creative, huh?" 

Josh takes the leaflet from him, and they both return to a standing position. "Uh, yes. It was one of my chosen areas at college." Josh looks at the man for the first time as his embarrassment slowly fades. Josh is slightly taller than him. They seemed the same age. He has light coloured hair swept to one side and a very charming looking face with piercing blue eyes, framed with black plastic framed glasses. Josh thought he looked like a blonde Clark Kent.

The man continues. "I really want to write and report to the world. Keep it real. It's important to be as truthful as possible, don't you think? Social media can be a force for good if used properly." 

"Yes I guess so." Josh respondes. 

"Stewart." he holds out his hand to Josh. 

Josh looks briefly at the hand, taken a little by surprise by the fowardness of the other. "Josh." Josh shakes Stewart's hand. 

"Nice to meet you Josh. Maybe we'll both be successful here.'' 

"Yes, maybe. Good luck." Josh smiles back, thinking nothing more of it as he walks away. 

After a while, he makes his way back to his and Peter's meeting point, texting him on the way. Peter was already waiting for him as he approached. "How did it go?" Peter enquires.

"Yeah it seemed ok. I got some information about some jobs anyway. You?" 

"Yeah... nothing. Let's just go." Peter shrugs, with Josh frowning a little at the response. He seemed so keen.


It's early evening when Josh finally begins to rifle through the information. Peter sits next to him on the couch, making Josh look up as he does so. "I'm really surprised you didn't pick anything up Pete, are you sure there was nothing?" 

"There was nothing." Peter repeats, wanting to dismiss the conversation for some reason.

Josh lowers the leaflets onto his lap as he turns to face Peter a little. "Seriously? You wanna work in a family restaurant all your life?" Peter once again shrugs it off. "Peter, you have a degree in nutritional science. Why don't you use it?"


Josh freezes. Taken aback by Peter's sudden outburst."Pete...I…"

"I'm sorry." Peter replies almost instantly. 

Josh just stays quiet. Not sure if words would be any good. He didn't even know what to say anyway, or even why Peter reacted that way, but Peter knew. He knew that this was probably the moment that he told Josh one of his truths…

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