Chapter 14: Surprise

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"There's a guy in Neil's office."

To say that the working morning was uncomfortable for everyone was an understatement. The day had ended how it had begun. Awkward for everyone involved. Although, it seemed to have brought Rich and Maria a little closer. Trust them to bond over a crisis, with Maria going as far as to making Rich a drink, well, that seemed to seal the deal. Josh smirks at the scene. They deserve each other.

Neil didn't really leave his office for the duration of the morning. It was as if there had been a power shift between him and Josh as if Josh's presence was subconsciously keeping him in there. After a solitary lunch in his car, Josh heads back to the office. Only half the day left to go, he had gotten this far, and he can make it to the end. "Josh." He turns to see Simon exiting the bathroom.

"Hey." Josh smiles. But Simon looks worried."Simon, what's up?"

"There's a guy in Neil's office. He's from another department."


"It's just..."

Suddenly, their office door opens, and a man exits it. He is much older than Neil, possibly the same age as his dad, hair slightly balding with a bushy brown beard. It puts Josh in mind of his old geography teacher, Mr Smith.

He looks at Josh and Simon smiling before saying, "Joshua?"

"Yes, that's me." The man offers out his hand for Josh to take, and Josh shakes the said hand.

"Dave Paxton. I look forward to you working for me." He says before he carries on walking down the corridor. Both Josh and Simon look at each other. They walk back into the office. As Josh places his bag on his desk, he looks at Neil through the slightly opened blinds. The door is open, and he is standing up talking on his phone.

Josh wastes no time in entering the said office and closing the door behind him.  "Ok, so I've got to go." Neil ends his call in seeing Josh enter.

"Can you please tell me why I will be working for a Dave Paxton?"

Neil places his hands in his pockets and looks to the ceiling. "In the light of recent events Joshua, we think it is best you work in a different department as of Monday."

"Monday? Don't I get a say in this?" Josh holds his hands out to the sides.

"Josh, you really upset the team today. I could have had you fired."

"No, I could have you fired." Josh says under a heated breath, but he knew he wouldn't go there, and he also sensed that Neil wasn't being truthful about his own reasoning. "Tell me what this is really about?"

"Like I just said Josh, you.. "

Josh cuts him off. "Look me in the eyes and tell me what this is really about, Neil." Josh leans his palms on the desk.

Neil's eyes slowly fall on Josh's face, but he doesn't speak. He just stares. The most intense stare Josh has ever experienced. It spoke louder than any gift, any touch or gesture, any bathroom indiscretion... and Josh understood.

"Ok... I'll go." Josh says just above a whisper ."But once I do, that's it." Josh waits a minute to see what might happen next, but Neil nods as he folds his arms and watches Josh finally walk out of his office one last time.

"You're right, Josh...I'm a coward." He utters, so only he can hear.


As the working day ends, Josh clears his desk, putting the last of his personal belongings into his bag.

"Well, it was short and sweet." Trisha says, giving Josh a bone crushing squeeze followed by one from Janet before they leave the office.

Rich and Maria just about manage to muster a civil "bye."

"Call me if you want to hang out,  ok?" Simon whispers in Josh's ear.

"Sure thing." Josh replies, watching Simon leave. It was now just him and Neil.

Josh slows down his bag packing in the hope that he will come out of his office, but he looks like he's not going to budge. Josh breathes a heavy sigh and picks up his bag, and heads out of the door. It seemed that was that.

As he pulls up his street, Josh internally groans to see a red Toyota parked outside his house, meaning that he had to park further up the street. He huffs in annoyance as he finds a space a few doors down. He exits his car and walks back up the street to his house. "Dad, who's parked outside our house..."

"Hello Josh."

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