Chapter 10: Crossing the line

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"A good employee deserves recognition."

This was the first time he had seriously contemplated something happening between him and Neil, and he didn't know how to feel about it. There was no doubt that his boss was still hot and evoked all those emotions, which made Josh feel giddy and lovesick. But he wasn't at school anymore. He was an adult. Neil was married with a child, and this was no game. 

The next day and Josh pulls into the carpark, the same time as the scirocco. He finds himself watching on as Neil exits the car with his usual briefcase and laptop. He sees that he is carrying a small bag. It looks like a gift bag. Has Josh forgotten someone's birthday again?  He waits 5 more minutes before going inside, getting into the office, and just wanting today to be normal. It's just a normal day in the office. 

He is about to get his own headset on when he hears the words. "Josh, my office, please." He apprehensively puts down the headset and follows. Neil shuts the door and gestures for Josh to sit whilst he perches on the end of his desk. Then something is pushed towards Josh. He glances across to see the gift bag. He now looks up at Neil, who is smiling at him. "Open it." 

Josh looks again at the small bag. Inside is a box. He pulls it out and takes off the lid. Inside, there is something wrapped in tissue paper. He takes it from the box and sees that it's a mug. A mug with a tardis on it. "W...what's this for? He asks.

"A good employee deserves recognition." Neil says, smiling. "And also a belated Thank you for sacrificing your own mug."

"Th...thank you."  Josh says, putting it back in the box and replacing the lid, thinking it would have been easier for Neil to replace his own so Josh could just have the other mug back. He goes to stand, assuming that the small interaction is over, but Neil puts his hand on Josh's arm. It causes him to stop in his tracks.

"I really want to show you my appreciation." He speaks low, and all Josh can do is nod as a response to the touch.

Neil releases the arm from his grasp, and Josh bolts from his office, causing everyone to look up as the office door swings open a bit too abruptly. He needed to get out. He places the box on his desk and heads to the bathroom. 

Josh pushes open the bathroom door, heading for the sink, where he instantly splashes his face with cold water.  Did he 'suggest' something to him? He doesn't even have the time to process the last five minutes before the bathroom door swings open once again. Josh looks in the mirror's reflection. There he is, standing in the doorway. Neil Rose. He slowly walks towards Josh, pressing his body against his back. He can feel the heat as Neil rests his chin on Josh's shoulder. He places his hands on Josh's hips, making his body tense. Their gaze is met through the mirror's reflection.

Josh is having trouble processing what is actually happening. He'd imagined his touch, the feeling of him being this close to him in his wildest dreams, and now it is happening, he doesn't know how to feel. 

He knows this is wrong. He knows it so well, but he's not putting up much of a fight. His resistance is low. And when Neil says, "Are you gonna let me try?" Josh gives in...

He doesn't run. He doesn't push him away as Josh watches Neil in the reflection of the mirror as he messes with Josh's trousers, undoing the clasp and zipper and pushing his hand inside. "Are… are you sure this is a good idea?" Josh tried to say, but it falls on deaf ears, and Josh didn't really want him to stop anyhow. Neil leans into him further. He can feel him pressed against his lower back. His chin is still resting on Josh's shoulder. His hot breath could be felt right by his ear. Neil speaks as he begins to tighten his grasp around Josh's hardening penis, stroking agonisingly slow as he pushes against his back.

"I've noticed the way you look at me, Josh. You can't hide your feelings from me." He speeds up faster and faster. Josh tries to steady himself as he leans into Neil. He needs something to hold onto. His knees want to buckle under his own weight as he ends up grabbing the basin.

He can already feel his climax building and can do nothing but to let out his moans. Neil's words, his actions, too much.  Too much to bear. His senses are all over the place. Neil is relentless. Josh is about to climax, as he lets out a loud moan. Neil puts his hand over Josh's mouth to stifle the sound. "Shh now." He says in a low voice as Josh begins to come over Neil's hand and partially in his own underwear. "There it is." Neil utters. Josh can see him smirking at him in the reflection as he pulls his hand away. He doesn't speak. He just rinses his hand, dries it, and walks out of the bathroom, leaving Josh in this 'state'. 

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