FORTY-SIX | my forgotten family

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Melody turned on her heel and walked straight out of the classroom. She walked mindlessly around campus until she was standing in front of her favorite drink bar. She grabbed her wallet assuming the familiar clerk would automatically type in her order but he only started at her in confusion. "Did you say your order?" She paused for a moment. "Um a manga smoothie please." He nodded and took her card. She watched him swipe the plastic device with indifference till eyed the card suspiciously. "It says your card is declined?"

Melody grabbed back her card with a matching expression of suspicion and confusion. A harsh cough cut through the dinning hall. She dug for cash in her wallet but realized she was a dollar short. The usually nice clerk stared at her with irritation. "I'm sorry I think I'm a dollar off."
She could see the words to reject her for service building in the man's mouth. "You said a dollar right?" A voice croaked behind her.

A dollar was stretched out over Melody's head. She was fine not getting a smoothie. It was simply out of habit that she had even walked up to the store in the first place. She turned to graciously reject the offer before her breath hitched in her throat. In his coughing glory was Christain. He looked down to her and raised an eye brown at her surprised face.

"Don't worry about it. It's just a dollar." Christain looked up the now happy man. "Can I get a green tea along with that? Some added honey would also be nice." Melody hesitated at first before digging in her bag to grab a cough drop.

Seeing him in such a harmless light was a jump scare on its own. He grabbed the cough drop and smiled. "Thanks." He made and 'oh' with his mouth as he finally recognized her face. 'She is the girl who walked into the class by mistake.' "You're welcome."

When he reached over her head to grab his change she flinched and leaned back. "Oh. Sorry. Didn't mean to get all close and personal like that." Melody stepped away and let him grab his drink. She also grabbed her's and walked over to a window seat. Because of her minds hyper awareness of his body she turned to him.

She stared over his head for a moment before the numbers %0 appeared. Now Melody was sure that things had finally gone back to the way they were supposed to be. The alarm on her phone rang and she was a painfully made aware of the fact that Crystal was now out of class. She was scared to see the inevitable. She waited for Crystal to find her in the food hall and tell her she was going to sleep over at her friends.

She waited and waited but it never happened. When Melody turned around she immediately saw Crystal eating with her friend at the table behind her. Their eyes met for a second but not a single look of recognition crossed her face. Melody's eyes began to tear up. She had lost her last attachment to that world. Her last family member on earth.

But as she watched her cousin laugh with her friends she knew this was exactly where she was meant to be. A sad smile pulled on her lips.

Fallen Angel 2 has been defeated.

Do you wish to complete the story?

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Melody took a deep breath before clicking her answer.


"You stupid stupid dragon. And you! Do you think you can disobey us just because you're a Demi-god!"

The world around her faded away and she was back in the Spiritual Realm. To her happy surprise Gabriel was also waiting in the fog. He smiled and opened his arms wide. "Good job out there," he congratulated. Melody immediately ran over to him and leapt in his arms. "You too. Good work solider," she chuckled.

"Are they ignoring us?"

"I think they are ignoring us?"

"The audacity of these lower beings to ignore us! Their creators!"

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