TWENTY | my new cage

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Author's Note: Happy twenty chapters! Getting to this point in a story is always a big milestone for me because it sort of sets in stone the direction I plan on going for the story. At twenty chapters I feel comfortable in the world I've built and the characters I've created to the point that I start seeing the conclusion of the story come into frame.

Things will start to get more crazy from here on out so I would like to quickly remind you guys to ⚠️ please check the trigger warnings I put in the description of the story before moving forward! ⚠️


Melody stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her mom had provided a slim tight black dress and a pair of black heels. She paired the outfit with a silver necklace and small hoops. She had burned her hand trying to curl her hair so her wrist was red and slightly blistered. It was the only pop of color on her body.

To her mother's dismay she did in fact put on eyeliner. Only a small wing but she loved how sharp it made her look. Not as close to Crystal's level but pretty close.

Her mom tried ordering her to wipe it off but the Davis' had arrived early and Melody needed to be there to greet them.

Christain freaking Davis was a man of many colors. When he walked into their home along side his parents he was dressed in a white dress-shirt and black slacks. His tattoos were completely covered by what she assumed was an arm wrap. They had matching earrings. His appearance was black and white compared to the last time she saw him.

His father was a tall and lean man with his clothes ironed bone straight. His brown hair was gelled back. Christain definitely got his dark blue eyes from his father. The man wore a bright smile as he introduced his wife who was a beautiful Korean woman. She had the same emotionless expression as her son.

While their parents greeted each other with heavy formality, Christain and Melody stood in silence. He was completely different from the talkative man she had talked to just the day before. They momentarily locked gazes. Melody thought he would look away but he didn't. He read her nervous expression with amusement. A small smile pulled at the edge of his lips. 'What is he smiling at?'

He eyed her body slowly, making Melody shiver at his gaze. His eyes froze at the burn on her wrist. He raised an eyebrow, like he was asking for an explanation. Why did she need to explain herself to him? But his eyes made it seem like a demand more than a question. She unconsciously touched her hair and reshaped a loose curl. He understood her hint and his gaze softened. He turned back to their parents as if he had lost interest in her very presence.

'What the hell just happened?'

She knew Christain was more dangerous than he seemed on the surface. And every inch of her body was telling her to run. She was starting to understand why her parents wanted her to marry him. The look in his eyes was familiar. She looked between the two familles as they walked to the dinning hall. Christain's presence beside her made her feel oh-so small.

'He is my new cage,' she confirmed to herself.

They were chaining her down even in her marriage. And she had no escape.


Melody was seated next to her maybe-fiancé. Her parents asked him all types of questions. Questions they probably already knew all the answers to. But he humored them and used the same energetic business voice as his father.

"Really! You play piano! So does Melody!" Her mother gave her a look that read, 'see! You have so much in common!' Which Melody promptly replied with an eye roll. They talked about his tours around the world where he learned about various forms of medicine. His stories of the places he had visited did intrigue Melody but her parents grew bored. They already knew what the world looked like. Melody didn't.

Dinner was as bland as ever but Christain's father praised it to the very last spec of bread. Next was dessert which Melody's parents asked Melody to go and grab, along with a bottle of wine. Her mother's wink implied she meant both Melody and Christain.

They strode out the dinning hall and she let out a sigh of relief when the doors closed behind them. Melody guided him to the kitchen. She fidgeted with her dress as he stared at her. "You don't seem to like me very much," he observed. Melody didn't answer.

They walked into the kitchen and Christain spotted the white cake on the marble counter. He watched Melody grab plates from the cabinet. Her dress rode up slightly as she stretched her arm up. Christain leaned back and took in the view.

He slid his hands in his pockets, "I wonder why?" Melody turned from him and tried to ignore his stare. He seemed amused by her nervousness. Melody grimaced, "do you get off on people's anxiety or something? Why are you making that face?" A wide smile spread on his lips, "you're a smart one aren't you?"

Melody's eyes widened. She only said it as a half assed joke. Was he being serious? Christain took long strides towards Melody. His eyes were locked with hers, never straying from her face. He leaned forward causing her heart to leap out of her chest. "What are you-." Christain reached up and grabbed a bottle of wine.

Melody's face was awe stroke and bright red. He snickered, "what did you think I was going to do?" She looked away from him. "What did you want me to do?" He rephrased. Melody bit her lip to keep from saying something unnecessary. Christain used his thumb to pull her lower lip free. Melody tried to pull back but his grip on her chin was strong.

He stared at her slightly swollen lip. The bite mark was still evident. His mind fixated on it. His chest burned at the sight. "Do you want me to?" He restated. Melody wanted to say no. But his eyes. A shade deeper than Gabriel's. Christain's gaze was that of a predator staring at its prey. She felt helpless at his touch.

He sighed and let go of her chin. He was growing bored by her lack of responsiveness. "Let's not leave them waiting." He turned with the wine in one hand and grabbed the plates and utensils with the other. Melody was frozen for a second before she silently followed him to the dinning room. Her heart was beating out of her chest. She didn't know if it was a good or bad sign.

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