THIRTY-FOUR | my misquote bites

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** Author Note: I was definitely wrong. This is most definitely going to be longer than 50 chapters. Le sigh. Oh well. I'm gonna try and write five today since I'm feeling better! hehe enjoy ;) **


Melody stared up at the ceiling. The morning light cut through her deep sleep like scissors and exposed her to the cruel world of responsibility. She had a full schedule and couldn't afford to be late but she was exhausted. She basically got no sleep since he had ravaged her till she physically couldn't move anymore.

She didn't need to look at her legs to know they were bruised. She knew there were hickies all over her body but she refused to look. If she did she wouldn't be able to resist the urge to punch the sleeping man next to her.

When she tried to slip out of the sheets his arm wrapped around her waist. He mumbled a groan of disapproval. Melody pinched his arm like it was a dirty rag and plopped it on the empty space beside her. She didn't have time for snuggles. She slid on her slippers and groggily shuffled to the bathroom.

When she removed his shirt she had slipped on as a pajama substitute, she nearly chocked on her breath. It looked like she was assaulted by a hoard of mosquitoes! 'I'm going to murder him one day,' she cursed.

She stepped into the shower and flinched when the water hit her shoulder. She still had the scar from the stranger's jacket. The wound had scabbed over so she wondered why it still stung. She ignored the small pain and lathered her hair with shampoo. Soap after soap, she cleaned down her body with the personally curated body care routine she was given. She scrubbed off the stress and exhaustion. When she stepped out she felt like a newborn baby.

Melody wrapped a towel around her chest and sauntered her way to the sink. It was a large modern bathroom with marble tile that traveled from the floor and stopped at the top of the walls. Her mood was up as she brushed her teeth and hummed to a catchy song that was stuck in her head. Her voice was drowned out by the hair dryer in her hands so she began to sing the lyrics.

She did a little spin and jumped when she spotted her now awake boyfriend standing at the door. He spoke something that she couldn't hear over the hair dryer. She squinted in confusion and turned off the dryer. "Huh? What did you say?" He chuckled, "I said you have a beautiful voice." Melody grinned, "I learned from the best."

He stepped closer to her and grabbed the hand with the hairdryer and moved it away from her head. She looked up to him and he took that moment to lean down and seal their lips.

Memories of the night  prior resurfaced in her mind and suddenly she was upset again. She leaned back. "Not right now babe. I have a commercial shoot in an hour." He tried persuading her but she drowned him out with the dryer. He frowned and turned away from her. He pulled his shirt off and Melody's eyes went wide.

He began stripping and she was standing front row as she watched this free show through the mirror. He knew she was watching and she felt shameless for letting him get so close to dissolving her resolve. She snapped out of her hazy thoughts and quickly finished her hair. He stepped in the shower and watched as she scurried away.

A sly smile pulled at the corner of his lips. He didn't miss how bright red her face was. He stared at his throbbing erection and sighed before turning the lever to cold.


Melody walked outside and spotted a man waving to her in the distance. She waved back and slightly jogged to him. "Thanks for picking me up," she grinned. Tae opened her door gave her a small smile as she got in the car. He slid into the drivers seat, grabbed his tablet from the passenger seat, then handed it to her. "This is your schedule for the day," he explained. She grabbed the device and scrolled through the agenda. She grimaced at the never ending list of places and time slots.

"I am going to die from over work," she grumbled. Tae only laughed as he started the car. "You've survived 10 years just fine." Melody sighed and leaned against the seat.

As they pulled off from the building she looked up the balcony of her penthouse. She immediately spotted her boyfriend leaning against the ledge, watching the car fizz by. She thought she saw cigarettes smoke come from his mouth. She swiped up on the iPad and used the camera to zoom in on his face then quickly taking a picture before he was too far away to see.

The photo was a little grainy and the colors were washed out and the morning light was dim, but the smoke was thick and cloudy. The pink shade of his eyes bled through the photo with its unnatural glow. She stared at the picture in bewilderment. "Since when does he smoke?"

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