NINETEEN | my contract

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When Melody's phone was opened again she was greeted by a notification.

'No strings attached! Gabriel Ashe wishes to speak with you! This event is open chat!" - Fallen Angel.

After Melody's shower she had opened her phone to talk with Crystal. She stared at the notification. "What does it mean by, no strings attached?" It felt like the game was talking about the contract her parents had offered her. It wouldn't surprise her if the game knew her personal life since she had literally crossed into a fictional story.

Melody decided to humor him and open the chat. She had discovered that if the app was open when she fell asleep then she transferred worlds. So as long as she closed it she would be fine... hopefully.

Melody hummed along to the opening music to the app. She had forgotten how obsessed with the game she used to be. It sort of felt nostalgic to be playing again.

{ I didn't think you would come. )

( Yeah, me neither. }

( but here I am. }

{ Here you are. )

She could hear his voice in her mind. She knew exactly the facial expression he must be making in the moment.

{ I'm sorry. )

Melody raised an eyebrow. Did he even realize what he needed to be sorry for?

( What are you sorry for? }

{ Everything. For putting you in a cage. For keeping you locked away. For being the exact thing I know you fear so much. I'm sorry. )

Melody stared at the long message then to the three dots in the bottom left corner.

{ I'm not asking for forgiveness. And I know you may never want to see me again. But I just hope that one day you give me the chance to make it up to you. )

( I thought your parliament was going to hang me for terrorism if I ever went back? }

{ I already dealt with them. They won't touch you unless they want to loose a hand. )

Melody swallowed. She wanted to know how he 'dealt with them,' but there was some things better left unsaid. Melody still felt uncomfortable talking to him but she was happy he apologized.

{ Sweet dreams Melody. )

Melody closed the app and plugged her phone into the charger. She turned off the lamp on her nightstand and snuggled into her bed.


Gabriel felt his conscious drift from the realm he was connected with Melody in. He wished he could stay with her longer. To wipe away her tears and promise to never hurt her. But he knew that wasn't a promise he could completely keep.

Loving Melody was like getting drunk and then trying to write a poem. You're intoxicated to the fullest but want to convey the most beautiful things in the world on paper. It may come out twisted and illegible but it was all in the name of love.


Melody woke up to the sound of hurrying feet. She peeked her head out her door and noticed servants cleaning the house from corner to corner. The house was already extremely clean to so she wondered if they were cleaning the air.

Her parents only cared this much if the governor himself was visiting, or her grandparents. She had a feeling this time it was someone different. She waved over a passing servant. "Yes young miss?" Melody looked around the hall again. "Who is coming over?" The girl blinked, "your fiancé miss." Melody's eyes went wide.

The girl bowed and scurried off leaving a fear stricken Melody to herself. A flashing light caught her attention in her peripheral. Melody turned around and walked to her nightstand. Her mom was calling her. Melody pressed the green button and put the phone to her ear.

"We are having lunch with the Davis family at 1 pm. I left you a dress on your vanity. Curl your hair and do your makeup. And none of that eyeliner, you're not a slut." Melody rolled her eyes. "I expect you downstairs to greet the guest in three hours. No later, do I make myself clear?" Melody sighed, "yes ma'am." The call cut.

Melody flopped on her bed and dialed the number of her cousin. It only took two rings before the call connected. "Took you long enough! How did it go? Are you alive? Do I need to come get you?" Melody smiled at the concern laced in Crystal's voice. "Well... long story short I guess I'm engaged."

Silence hung in the air.

"Sorry I had to check if it was April fools. WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!" Melody held her phone at a distance from her ear. "I'm coming over right now! Screw being a police officer, I'll fight for your freedom!" A deep laugh erupted from Melody. She rolled back and forth on her bed. "Ahaha! God Crystal I love you."

"Ha- have you already gone crazy?" Melody smiled, "no. I'm fine. I'm fine Crystal. You don't have to come and avenge my honor or anything. This was bound to happen sooner or later. It just happened to happen sooner."

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Melody huffed, "oh I'm not okay with it I just have come to terms with it. I have to go get ready but I'll call you later."

Melody smiled at her phone. Crystal was the only true family she had. She felt better going into all this knowing someone was truly worried for her. "Okay." She eyed the box on her vanity. "Time to get ready."

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