SIX | my angel

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Melody didn't know when she got home. When she woke up her body was covered in bruises and hickeys. Her bottom half ached, and she had the overwhelming urge to pee. While she washed her hands she glazed over the red marks on her arms and neck.

The memory of last night was fresh and clear. She felt hot just thinking about it. Her first time was in the middle of nowhere under a sky full of stars. It would have been romantic if she hadn't passed out in the end.

Her long black hair looked frizzy and knotted. Hey green eyes dimmed to a pale brown under the yellow bathroom light. She was also completely naked. Her nightgown unfortunately hadn't teleported back with her. She eyed the clock on her wall, '6:30.' She sighed, "I have time to wash my hair.


Last Night

Gabriel stared at the grass under him. Frustration filled his chest. He poured mana into his fist and punched the tree beside him, feeling slight satisfaction as it snapped over and slammed onto the ground. "What do I need to do to keep you here?" He held his clenched fists to his sides. He felt weirdly cold at the lack of her touch.

Gabriel knew the guards at his palace would be worried when they noticed he was gone. He assumed it had been a couple of hours since he was suddenly awoken by a foreign voice. The soft cadence of what he could only assume was a god, told him to go to her. To spend a 'night of love and adventure under the stars.' So he ran with everything he had in him.

The name 'Melody' repeated over and over again, growing louder until it stopped. Black hair and pale green eyes. His Melody was waiting for him. The white nightgown that fluttered in the evening breeze. The shimmer of the moonlight in her eyes. It was a breathtaking scene. When her eyes locked with his, Gabriel's heart stopped in his chest. He could only affirm over and over to himself that the desperation, the animal desire he felt was love.

He needed her like a man needed water. He truly didn't know how he survived so long without her. When the dreams started it was the day after his coronation. It was simply a small voice that only desired to listen to his stories. The voice gave encouragement when he felt down. It listened when no one would. When the late queen died he was at a complete low. Not because he loved her, no he knew any relationship the two had held prior was just business. It was because the small voice had stopped talking to him.

The day the queen died was the day the king mourned for another. If his citizens knew the real reason he was so despondent they would go mad. So he kept it to himself. He passed it all off as a mere hallucination and moved forward.

This lasted for three months until the voice came back. This time it was clearer. He now knew she was a girl. Her name was Melody, and she was 21. She was only four years younger than him.

The voice held long conversations with him throughout the night. They laughed over childhood memories they might have buried deep in their mind. She told him about the time she broke her arm roller skating. She had to explain what roller skating was before continuing the story.

Melody was four with a 'need for speed,' as she had put it. Even though it was her first time wearing roller skates she felt a weird form of freedom. For the first of many times to come she felt the urge to run away. She ran from her parents, her home, she got pretty far before she had to learn how to stop.

She flew forward onto the concrete and busted her arm and skinned her knees. He saw the scars. Melody had a habit of running when things got hard. He saw it in the way she answered his questions. Then the idea came to him. Probably the most illogical idea that had ever come to his mind. 'I'll just make it so she can't run.'


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