FOUR | my prayer

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Because Melody was no longer running on fumes she was able to quickly finish her homework in record time. She stared at the empty checklist of assignments in bewilderment. "So this is what it's like when you have a healthy sleep schedule," she awed. She was contemplating studying for finals but decided not to push her luck.

She walked to her kitchen and grabbed a cup of water. The clock on the microwave illuminated the empty kitchen. The time read 11:59. As she pressed her cup to the fridge water dispenser the clock ticked to 12. Her phone buzzed in her pocket. Crystal had warned her that she was going to sleepover at a friends, so Melody was curious to see if she needed something. What surprised her was the notification on her screen.

"A night of love and adventure awaits you! Click to chat with Gabriel under the stars!" - Fallen Angels

Even though she had tried for hours to get the app to open she still held hope. Melody clicked the notification. Yet, to her disappointment, she was met again with a loading screen. Melody grumbled to herself and shut off her phone. She brought the water to her bedroom and got ready for bed.

When she was finally under the covers and snuggled up with her Gabriel Ashe blanket, exhaustion took over her. Sleep clouded her mind as she prayed a mini prayer that she could once again see Gabriel. 'Please please please please..'

In the distance, on her night stand, her phone screen lit up.

"Wish granted! Transferring to Fallen Angel!"


Her body shivered at the cold breeze that tickled her skin. Melody's eyes fluttered open. The smell of grass and water filled the air. She slowly sat up and took in her surroundings. "Did my prayer work?" She was by a lake that was surrounded by a forest. The moonlight reflected off the water, cascading through the trees and grass.

The sound of rustling behind her caught her attention. Melody turned around and watched as a man with golden hair and blue eyes ran towards her. "Gabriel," she smiled. As he came closer his desperate face came into view. He looked like he had found his missing treasure. Like if he reached her he would be safe. Melody quickly stood up and ran to him.

"Melody!" He called to her. When they collided his strong arms lifted her from the ground and swung her around. Melody couldn't help the surprised giggles that escaped her lips. She wrapped her legs around his waist. She was still in her white nightgown so when her bare legs hooked around his waist she noticed the physical changes he went through.

A blush enveloped her face. She tried getting down but the hands that held her to him didn't budge. "I'm not letting go," he argued. Melody frowned. She wouldn't have minded him holding her if it wasn't for the bulge pressed against her stomach. "For your sake you should probably put me down," she whispered.

"When I woke up yesterday I thought you had managed to runaway from me until I saw the chains. The ones on your feet were till locked. Whatever god that sent you here had also taken you from me. Im not letting you go without a fight."

Melody raised an eyebrow, "you're going to fight a god?" Gabriel nodded like it was the only logical response. He didn't look even a bit fazed. His eyes drifted up above her. "By the way. What is this number above your head?"

Melody looked up but saw nothing. When she looked back down she nearly jumped at the floating number above his head. '100%'

"What number do you see?" She asked. Gabriel was getting used to her tendency to evade questions. "36%"

Melody's eyes widened, there was no way her affection percentage was so low! Was the number meant for something else? The floating hundred above Gabriel's head told her otherwise. 'Am I not in love with him?' Gabriel tried reading her expression but only came up with two conclusions. 'This number is important, and something is wrong with her number.'

He decided to ask a question he hoped she would answer honestly. "Do I have a number?" Melody paused, and then slowly nodded. "What is my number?" She bit her bottom lip. Gabriel is a king and a highly educated man, so she knew he would figure it out if she lied to him. And she didn't want to lie to him. "100%"

She could see the gears turning in his mind. Melody hadn't answered him when he asked before so he decided to test a theory. He pressed her back against a tree and slammed his lips against hers. Melody froze for a second before quickly wrapping her arms around his neck to steady herself. He licked her bottom lip as if asking for entrance. She gave it, and immediately their tongues were swirling together. Her body went up in flames as his hands roamed. He used one hand to cup her face as the other grabbed her ass.

Suddenly, as quickly as it started it stopped. He pulled back leaving a breathless Melody. Her face was crimson, her tongue out as she panted. He smiled to himself, proud of the state he had left her in. He glanced up to the number and confirmed his theory. '45%'

This was an affection meter. If his number was proof of his feelings than she only felt half of what he did. This girl had haunted his dreams for months and yet he only had won half her heart. He wanted the whole thing. He wanted her heart, her body, her mind. He wanted her to feel the desperation he felt to possess every word she ever spoke.

She had made him love her. Now it was his turn.

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