Bonus Chapter- Classic Cliché

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The surface was a beautiful place. The thing about Riley living in Undertale was now she had the reset button. Her determination somehow outweighed Frisk's despite Frisk having determination and having the determination soul trait as their main soul trait. This time, Riley really had given the monsters their happy ending as she'd always wanted. Sans couldn't have been happier about this. Hell, he was so happy, he asked her to marry him right then and there. Riley undoubtedly said yes in her own way. "Who the hell else would I marry?!" Sans snorted and winked. "touche."


The wedding was a classic at the beach thing with friends in and out of the Multiverse attending and the reception was filled with all sorts of fun in the sun and the water. The honeymoon was in Outertale where they could enjoy the stars among other things together. By the time they actually got back, all the monsters were moved to the surface. "How-"
"time flows differently in different aus. what was a week in outertale was a month or so I undertale." Oh, that was interesting. "I lived here how long and didn't know?" Sans shrugged. "to be fair, time doesn't actually pass during multiverse meetings." Oh-


Riley and the others got jobs. Tori got to be a teacher as she always wanted and Asgore owned a flower shop. Undyne was a cop, Alphys worked in an electronics store. Mettaton was a popstar and Papyrus had his own puzzle business. Sans was a hotdog vendor, which amused Riley, while she worked as a self publishing author... for now. She hoped to get a editor one day and get in the big time. But she made money and that's all that mattered for now. Sans was happy she was happy. That's all he wanted for his family.


Riley didn't get her period? She found it weird but she didn't really think anything of it. She felt fine, she wasn't sick or anything besides, it was Valentines day and Sans wanted to take her out. So she focused on getting ready for that instead. She put on a casual but pretty dress and put her hair up in a fishtail bun. "I'm ready Sans!" Her handsome man was in a tux shirt and dress pants, go figure. "i am too, shall we?" She giggled and gave him her hand so he could shortcut them there.


"I DO NOT WANT TO SOUND RUDE BUT..." Papyrus trailed off nervously. Riley looked at Papyrus. "Yes..?" Undyne sighed dramatically and poked your stomach. "You're growing a gut! You need to exercise more!" She looked down at her tummy. It was getting bigger, she'd noticed. "I exercise daily. I take a jog to see Sans for lunch." She frowned. Then again... she'd been eating a lot more too. Maybe it wasn't enough? Or maybe- "pregnancy test?" Riley jumped. "I was just thinking that... I should've pieced it together earlier, but I never got my period..." Sans smiled at her. "i'll go getcha a few, be back in a jiff."


With the idea of Riley being pregnant in mind, everyone was pretty excited! Sans handed her a bag and she went straight to the bathroom to see. "NEICES AND NEPHEWS?!" Papyrus asked. "we'll see bro. i'm kinda hoping so." He was nervous and excited with the idea. Normal for any about to be father. After a few minutes, she came out looking nervous and excited herself. "They... were both positive." She was in Sans arms in a matter of seconds. "good..." He whispered to her. "i'm glad..." She smiled and hugged him back. "Me too..."

Did I write five chapters in one day? Yes, yes I did. Enjoy. Have a great morning/afternoon/night!


From A Wish To Reality (Sans Aus x OC)Where stories live. Discover now