Alternate Ending- Vibing with Epic

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"Woah.." Riley explored the lab that Epic lived in, unsure of what was safe to touch and what wasn't. She resigned to just looking, until she got to go ahead from the memelord who seemed to be making sure everything was still in place since he was last here. "hope you like the vibe, bruh, it's your home from now on too." He mused while watching Riley gawk around the place. "Sans! There you are, I've searched the whole Underground for- who is that?" Epic and Riley both turned to Mettaton and Alphys, the former having been about to go on a tangent before Riley caught his attention. "she's my senpai."
"Don't call me that." Epic deflated. "why not." Riley gave him a look. "Because it could be used in a creepy context."
"but i didn't mean it in a creepy context." He replied walking over. Knowing how he was with his promises.. "Promise?" He chuckled and held out his pinkie. "bruhmise."
"Epic." She deadpanned. "alright, alright promise." They pinkie promised on it. The scientist pair watched in startled fascination. It was probably the longest he'd went without memeing or saying bruh. "So.." Epic waited for her to continue. "WHY DO YOU KEEP DYING IN THE COMICS!!!"


"I'm Riley by the way, it's nice to meet you three." Epic was sulking in a corner after he found out she knew he died.. twice. It was supposed to be his secret. "Three?" Mettaton asked. "Napstablook is behind you." She pointed out. The pair turned and sure enough, there he was. "Hi.."
"Hi. Long story short Epic sort of.. ended up on the surface in a whole other multiverse and I tried to help him get back here." She explained hoping the scientists of all monsters, would understand it. "and ya succeeded. wanna meet my bruh and the royal family?" Her eyes sparkled. Papy, Tory, Gory, Azzy, and Chara?! Yeah! Lead the way memelord!"
"let's take a shotcut, bruh." Epic and Riley disappeared in a anime ninja fashion.


"A THIRD HUMAN?!" They found Papyrus and Chara training with Undyne. Riley let go of Epic's hand to greet The younger brother. "Yep. I'm Riley, Epic's girlfriend."
"See, there are better ways of saying it than calling me the s word." Riley told Epic who was frozen after hearing her call herself his girlfriend. She was quick to realize this. "Anime tears in 3, 2, 1.." And on que he was crying. "bruh, you just made me so happy.." He sobbed. "Well it's true. I chose you." He decided to hug her for the first time, burying his skull into her diaphragm area. "MY BROTHER..."
"Has..." Undyne continued. "A girlfriend!?" Chara concluded. Riley nodded. "That's me."
"Oh Azzy needs to hear this-" She started running. "Uh, we gonna follow or.. no? Ok." Epic was very comfortable in his position. He didn't want to move anytime soon. "Well.. how you doing?"
"I'm better than ever. Epic is Epic as ever." An irk mark appeared on Papyrus' skull. "WAS THAT A PUN." She tilted her head. "Was it..?" She had unintentionally made it, so she didn't know.


"No way!"
"Yes way!"
"That's impossible, we would have known if a third human fell down, and we'd definitely know if Sans had a human girlfriend!" Asriel argued. "I met her myself! Her name is Riley and he was hugging her and holding her hand and everything!" Epic had moved, eventually, you mad it to the Dreamurr residence to here the kids arguing rather loudly. "riley's right here, you ducking brustle sprout.." She smacked him. "ow."
"Be nice." Riley knocked on the door, Toriel answered, freezing. "So Chara was right, there is a third human." She looked over to Epic. "And she's really your girlfriend?" He nodded an affirmative. "I am. Hi, names Riley." She shook Toriel's hand. "O-oh wow.. congratulations to you both. Come in." She invited to which they took the offer. Asgore was trying to calm the children by not choosing a side. "Hi again, Chara." She greeted as the memelord went to his meme mate. Asriel's jaw dropped as Chara greeted back. "Hi Riley."
"No way.."
"yes way, bruh. some wishes come true."

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