Bonus Chapter- Riley's Egg

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Now Riley knew how hens felt. The obstruction in her abdominal area had hurt a lot. It had taken a lot of screaming and crying before Raven found her in pain and unable to move or fly because of it. Of course, it scared the absolute crap out of him, and Crow and Raven ended up flying her over to Alphys to see what she could do to help Riley with whatever was going on. Alphys kicked him out because he was being too distracting. "I'll let you know what's going on when I figure it out!" The brothers were left to wait.


The obstruction turned out to be an egg. Riley had laid a large, mega sized egg. RILEY had LAID an EGG. She was having a hard time wrapping her mind around it. Alphys was currently telling Raven this. She laid her egg. Their egg. Damn, they were gonna be parents. She laid an egg- "riley!" Raven circled his arms around her. "i'm so glad you're ok!" Riley circled her arms around him as he peppered her with kisses. "i'm so proud and so happy! al said you did so well! where is it? where's our egg?" He looked to the lizard canary. "I-Incubation. Th-they need to be kept warm." Riley smiled softly. "Can we see..?" Alphys hesitated and nodded before going to get it. A cart with a decent sized incubation tank was wheeled in, a big, baby sized blue egg with brown speckles on it. "Woah..." Raven kissed the side of her head. "that's it, baby... our egg..." Someday... that egg was gonna be a baby. That baby was theirs. They had an egg, they had a baby. "Raven?" The skeleton crow looked at her. "hm?"
"Thanks for knocking me up, Bonehead." Raven smiled despite her words.


Alphys ordered Riley to be on bedrest while her body recovered from popping that egg out. Raven learned quickly how to take care of an egg. It was likely instinctive for him. Either way, Crow started preparing the house for when the egg could be brought home. "You're a happy daddy, huh?" Raven didn't even hesitate to nod at Riley. "you made me a happy daddy, sweetheart. thank you..." Riley couldn't help smiling back. Raven was such a protective sweetheart. "You're welcome..." Undyne all but busted down the door when she came in. "IS IT TRUE?! IS THE NERD HATCHING AN EGG?!" Raven was immediately stepping in front of the incubator, so Undyne wouldn't break it somehow. Riley smiled nervously. "I think I'm going to go back to sleep now..." Undyne marched over. "Oh no, you don't, I want answers, punk!" Alphys, luckily, cut Undyne off. "N-no, she n-needs rest! A-and yes... R-Riley laid her e-egg this morning." Undyne boomed out a laugh immediately. "Great! Congratulations!" She gave a big toothy grin. "Uhhh, thanks..?" She wasn't sure what was going on at this point, but she was tired, so she went to sleep.


Riley and Raven were released from the lab a couple days later, wheeling the incubator along like a baby carriage. She supposed that was what it was. A baby carriage for eggs. "we are gonna have the sweetest baby in town because of you..." Riley looked over to Raven. "We are gonna have the cutest baby in town because of you." He blushed bright blue. "y-you're cute, not me!" Riley shook her head and kissed his cheek. "How about this, they will be cute as the both of us, protective like you and sweet like me." Raven smiled and nodded. "i like that. yeah."

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