Bonus Chapter- Little Ghost

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How does one get pregnant to a ghost skeletons baby? Riley couldn't actually say. She knew things had been off for a while now. Alpha worried that she'd caught something. The flu or something. It scared him and made him scared, but Riley reassured him that it was nothing to worry about. "We can have Ink take me to Sci or something." She offered Alpha. "y-yeah... ok... you, um, stay. rest. i'll go get him, ok?" Riley nodded and pecked Alpha on the cheek. He gave a smile Riley recognized as a smile only she would ever see. Sweet, loving, genuine. "i love you..."
"I love you too, Al." With that, he left to get Ink.


Riley didn't do too much while she waited for Alpha to return. She tried to sleep off the sickness that seemed to plague her. She made herself a small lunch of soup. She threw up a bit more. Mostly, it was trying to sleep, though. Alpha would be back soon, and she knew he would want to know she'd been trying to recover the whole time. She meant a lot to him, possibly tiering up with his brothers. Speaking of... she gasped as string entangled her and lifted her from Alpha's bed. Riley always wondered if she'd meet 404... she wasn't expecting Omni to be there as well. Why did there always have to be trouble when she was alone?!


Riley whined as 404's strings tightened around her. Omni was quiet as her stared at her with his three mismatched eyes. "it's impossible... he's dead." 404 looked to his brother. "wh-at is i-t?"
"the child has alpha's magic. that can't be..." Omni replied. Child? Wait, CHILD?! She wasn't sick, she was pregnant?! "Damn... I was left to this mess for nothing -" She cried out as 404's strings tightened again, cutting into her skin. "sil-en-ce p-est! i'm g-oin-g t-o kil-l y-ou fo-r in-va-di-ng m-y ho-me an-d usi-ng hi-s m-ag-ic fo-r y-our exp-eri-me-nts!" Riley was doing what now? "Hey, 404, I just found out I was pregnant. Could you cut me some slack?" Stars, she really needed Alpha to come right now. "Alpha, if you could come home now, that would be great... I kinda don't wanna die!" 404 snarled and yanked at his strings, intent on finishing this... but Riley was no longer there. The strings were severed.


Riley hugged Alpha close as he carried her through the remains of Alphatale with a conflicted look. "i'm sorry..."
"Don't apologize. We didn't know this would happen..." Riley replied, burying her face in Alpha's hood. "... you were in trouble. i wasn't there..." He mumbled. His brothers tried to kill his lover. It was very confusing and scared him. "Alpha. Al, look at me." Alpha met Riley's gaze. "We're ok. You're ok, I'm not dead, the baby isn't either." At that, he nearly dropped her. "b-baby?!" She chuckled. "Amazing, isn't it? Omni said I was pregnant." Alpha hugged Riley tighter, the widest smile ever to be seen yet adorned his features. "stars, i love you! how is this possible?" Riley giggled and shrugged cluelessly. Alpha stopped, tensing up. His smile faded fast. Riley looked back to see Omni and 404 blocking their path. "you won't escape again -" Omni held an arm out to stop 404. "you still exist..." Alpha blinked. "you see me..?" Omni inhaled sharply. "yes." Alpha shivered involentarily. Tears threatened to fall. "leave her alone... i love her..." 404 was looking between Omni and the human now. "can i kill it yet? i've got things to do!"
"go home, 404. i'll take care of it." 404 grumbled before leaving for the Mainframe. "take care of yourselves." Omni waved before leaving himself. Silence ensured for a solid minute. "Papa Alpha." He huffed. "mama riley."

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