Your Time with TimeKid

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Riley was shook awake. "Huh? Wha?" TK was hovering above her. "TimeKid? What time is it?" She looked around for a clock.. she was outside, sitting against a tree. "Not again.."
"do you always walk in your sleep?" TK asked. "Yes.. it's hereditary." He sat down across from her. "well i guess it was a good thing i followed you. i was going to get a drink since i woke up thirsty. then i saw you leaving out the front door. think that's why we found you on the floor yesterday?" She shrugged. "Maybe." He went quiet, silence ensued. "hey riley?" She looked at the child. "Yeah TK?"
"wiki said my au is a glitched reset. how does 'perfectshadow06' know about that? how is it that in your world we were created by humans, when it was ink that creates aus?" It was a good question. "I don't know, TimeKid, I really don't know. It could be that you're in a completely different multiverse from your own." She admitted. "that's what classic was saying.. do you think we can get home if we're in a different multiverse?" Riley smiled and put a hand on TK's skull. "I'll make sure of it." His eyelights brightened and he smiled. He felt safe around her. It was weird. "we should probably head back before someone else wakes up." He got up. Riley followed his lead. "Yeah. Lead the way, TK."


Riley was making French toast when TK and the others shuffled in. "morning riley!"
"Morning TK, boys. Hope you slept.. er... okish." She couldn't say well. She was well aware of the nightmares. Whether they were about Gaster, the genocides, or both, she didn't know. All she knew was they were bad. "i assume you know about the nightmares and insomnia."
"Yeah.. I won't ask and I don't know the details. I just know you have had it rough." TK smiled. "riley after breakfast will you play with me?" You laughed. Way to change the subject. "Sure. We can play in the back for a bit." She agreed, placing the fresh made French toast on the table with some syrup. "Eat up boys!"


After everyone ate and Riley found all the ketchup in the house for them, she and TK went outside. "What first? Tag? Hide and seek? Red light green light?"
"what's that?"
"Red light green light?" He nodded. "Well.. I stand a distance away and when I say green light, you can move. If I say red light, you have to stop. If you don't, you lose. If you manage to tag me, you win." His eyes were shining. "let's play!" Riley took up a spot across the yard. She felt like she was being watched. Knowing the Sanses, she probably was. "Green light." TK walked forward. "Red light." He stopped. Seemed he got it. "Green light." He stepped forward. "Red light!" She said quickly as he tried to step again. He froze on one foot. "Good balance. Green light." He took three quick steps. "Red light."
"what are you doing?" Reaper asked. The others had come out, curious. "red light green light." TK replied. "Green light." He took a few more steps. "Red light." He froze yet again. "halfway there." He hummed.


Riley managed to get TK out just before he tagged her. They played a few more rounds with the others before TK got bored. "When it gets dark we should play ghost in the graveyard." TK tilted his head. "what's that?"
"It's.. kinda like a mix of hide and seek and tag. It's played in the dark, usually in a graveyard, and there's one tagger/counter. They count at the 'grave' or the safe spot. It's the only time the tagger can be at the grave. The other players hide in the meantime. Once they count to 60 the tagger cries 'Here comes the ghost' and has to search for the others  while they try to make it to the grave. If you get tagged, you lose and become a ghost. Make it to the grave, your safe for the rest of the game. Who ever got tagged first plays the ghost the next round." She finished. "sounds fun! let's play!" She laughed. "No magic and no wings. I can't do those things and it'd be kinda unfair."
"aw. but we're lazy.." Classic joked. "i for one can't play." Reaper pointed out. "i'm.. really not feeling up to it.." Alpha was already heading inside. "Epic? Raven? Classic?" TK put his hands together. "please! it's no fun with only two."
"only one round. we still gotta figure out a way home." Classic agreed. "Better then nothing."


Of course they made Riley the ghost. She knew the game. They chose the porch as the grave so she covered her eyes and started counting. How did she even plan on finding three magic skeletons in the feilds and trees around her house? She knew she said no wings, but it still gave Raven the advantage. Not to mention the Sanses were the sneakiest characters in the game and multiverse. Then yet, would they actually be trying? Classic said himself that they were lazy and she knew it. "58, 59, 60! Here comes the ghost!" She wandered around listening. Eyesight wouldn't work. It was dark, sure their eyelights glowed, but they could also dissappear. She knew how intelligent these guys were. Her head twisted to the wild grass. She thought she heard movement. She got closer. A hare sprinted out. It startled her and Classic called out. "over here, kiddo." They were all at the porch already.. Riley groaned. What'd she expect? "Looks like you win."
"you were so invested in that rabbit that we all snuck over here without you noticing!" TK laughed. "Har, har. I'm going to make supper." You pated TK's head as you walked by, he blinked, bewildered.


Everyone ate and Epic, Classic, and Reaper fought over what to watch. Alpha already retired for the night, Riley knew something was wrong and wanted to ask him about it tomorrow. Raven was upstairs. TK was.. passed out on the couch. She walked over and picked him up gently. He snuggled into her immediately, sighing contently. She took him to her bed and tucked him in. "Night, Time, sleep well buddy." With one last check, she let him sleep for however long the good dreams would last.

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