A Winged Protector

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It was the day after the park, and TK must have told the others about Riley's situation in town because now Raven was insistent on going out with her when she had to go to town. Sweet as it was, she could defend herself. "Raven, I'd like to go alone, thank you."
"to much?" He asked. "Yeah, kinda." She agreed. "I'll be back in a bit, Raven. Keep busy if you must." She left, leaving the skeleton bird hanging. His wings drooped. "i have no clue what i'm doing.." He shook his head and went to help Classic, Epic, and Alpha with the machine.


Riley ignored the gossipers and appreciated the people who didn't care. That was so much better. Having 5 skeletons plus herself in the house was hard, she was going to the store weekly now, instead of monthly. She was curious how the magic skeletons could eat none magic food. Something she may never know, she supposed. She had her groceries scanned and she paid, taking them and heading to her car. She hardly noticed the teenager that dashed off. Just some kid, messing around. She put the groceries in the back and started up the car. It was running fine. Why did she feel like something bad was going to happen? She drove down the street and made it outside the town limits before she had problems. There was a loud pop in the front and she slammed on the breaks. Her head slammed into the airbag. She groaned. "That.. hurt.."


Raven looked out the bay window, towards the setting sun. "it's been awhile."
"longer than usual." Alpha agreed. "don't think she's in any danger.. do bruh?" Epic asked. "raven wanna-"
"already on it." He opened the bay window and jumped out, letting the air carry him higher as he flew. He hoped she wasn't sleep walking again, though that seemed highly unlikely when she only left to get groceries. He shifted his goggles to his sockets as to be able to see without out wind being a bother. Scanning the road, he finally spotted her car. Why was it in the middle of the road like that? He flew down and landed. "what the- riley?!" The tire had popped. His main concern was if she was ok, though. "I'm alright.. groceries aren't.." She stumbled out of the car, seemingly a little woozy. I've seen her worse off. Just small scrapes and bruises, but still. I grabbed her arms to help stabilize her.


"Gonna have to go back.."
"i can." She shook her head. "Your not properly dressed to hide. Your wings, your tail, your feet."
"don't give a crap. let them gossip." Raven picked her up bridle style and she blushed. "Let me carry them at least. It's my way of helping." He sighed and caved. "fine. i won't let anyone give you trouble though."
"Deal." Once more they were in the sky. It was beautiful, with the last of the sun disappearing and the stars coming out, it reminded her of that scene in the first HTTYD movie when Hiccup and Toothless took Astrid on her first dragon ride. Only instead of Hiccup, Toothless, and Astrid, it was Her and Raven. The moment ended though when they landed at the store again. He put her down and they entered. Everyone was staring, but not at her. Raven really didn't care. He adjusted his goggles, folded up his wings and started down an isle. Riley was quick to catch up.


They got the groceries again and took a nice fly home. So much better than car travel, honestly. Riley took the groceries inside and Raven spread the news that Riley was ok. "What are we supposed to do about my car?" Riley grumbled, a bit bummed. "it can always be replaced, you can't." Classic replied. Epic and the others hummed their agreement. "I know, I can't just leave it there though. I'll get in trouble. "i got it." Alpha got up. "i'll help." Epic got up as well. They both teleported off, presumably to find the car. "if they'd waited, i would have showed them.." Raven sighed, leaving to find them. Riley chuckled. "Keep working?" Riley offered. "is that ok for someone who was in a car crash of sorts?"
"It wasn't that bad." She waved off.

From A Wish To Reality (Sans Aus x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt