She Knows

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Riley was asleep in her room while the skeletons gathered in the livingroom, per Classic's request. "so what's up, bruh?"
"what's this about?" Epic and Reaper went straight to the point. Classic sighed. Here went everything. "so as you all know, the machine is almost done. we can go back home in a few days time." There wasn't much excitement from the group. Alpha was sulking more than ever. "riley overheard everything. she knows of our feelings towards her." That, was met with lots of blushing. "i have a request. she doesn't want to stay here, but she doesn't know who to go with yet. please, whoever she chooses, don't get upset. it's already hard for her as it is." Classic asked. Nobody hesitated. "wherever she ends up, at least she'll be safe with one of us." Raven stated. "and we can see here out in the multiverse." TK agreed. "she won't be lonely.." Alpha murmured. "or bullied." Epic replied. "she'll be with the skeletons that she always admired." Reaper thought about her obsession with Undertale and the aus. "good. we're all in agreement then. no cheating. this is her choice." Classic warned before dismissing himself to check on the sleep walker.


"is this what it looks like?" Reaper asked as the skeletons followed Riley around. They weren't very tired at the moment, not after finding out what Riley knew and her shared feelings towards them. TK nodded. "how can she not see us when her eyes are open?" Alpha asked. "she's in her dreamscape, bruh. she can't see anything in front of her." Epic replied. "i'm curious as to how this will be dealt with in the multiverse. you guys have plans if she does choose you?" They all shook their heads. "haven't really thought about it." Reaper admitted. Classic could already see minds at work, thinking about how they would deal with the potential problem. Classic was still thinking on it himself. Riley bumped into a chair. "Iz a conveniently shaped lamp.." She slurred sleepily, wandering in another direction. "stars that's adorable." Raven pointed out quietly. The others chuckled. They continued onward. Eventually Riley wandered back to her room. The skeletons headed to bed themselves.


They couldn't sleep, so they worked together to make breakfast. Riley was always the one cooking, so they wanted to give her a break. "what are we making again?" Alpha asked. "i'm making eggs, sunnyside up." Classic replied. "peanut butter and jelly toast!" TK glooped some peanut butter on a piece of toast. "french toast." Reaper sprinkled some powdered sugar on top. "sausage." Raven concluded. "and a smoothie for her drink." Epic grinned. "i guess i'll set the table." Alpha grabbed plates and forks.


"What's all this?" Riley looked at the set table, filled with food. "your break." Raven replied. "you've been so diligent caring for us, we wanted to care for you, bruh." Epic pulled out her chair. "so come have a seat, mom." TK chirped, covering his mouth when he realized he called her mom. She chuckled and looked down, hiding her blush. "Thanks guys.." She took her seat and, wow for 'lazy' skeletons, they sure knew how to cook. "This is really good guys! You worked on it together?" They all nodded. "relax today, we got you, riley." Epic said. The others looked at the memelord in shock. "no bruh? no meme?" Reaper asked. "Thanks, but no thanks, Epic."
"amuse me, kid. just relax. we can take care of everything while you take a chill pill." The others nodded. Riley was still reluctant. "I really don't mind-"
"you like helping right?" Raven asked. She nodded. "help us by relaxing."
"Ok, ok I'll relax."


When Riley left, all the skeletons looked to Epic. "what'd you do?" Classic demanded. "you'll see. if it works, it should bruh some things out." The memelord teleported off, leaving the others weary and curious. "uh.. what'd he put in that smoothie?" TK asked. They didn't know. They should have been paying attention. The youngest of the Sanses went to the livingroom room where Riley was searching for a movie. "Hey, Kid. Wanna relax with me?"
"yes please!" Kid slipped up on the couch. "What should we watch?"
"i haven't seen any of these before."
"Then let's get you started." She clicked on the closest movie and snuggled with TK. For lunch, Alpha brought hotdogs for the both of you. Supper was chili. She tried to stay awake to watch all the movies with TK, but she couldn't do it.


TK hadn't realized she was asleep, not right away. Not until the last movie was over. Not until he looked over to see his mother figures peaceful face. She was fast asleep. He waited for her to start sleep walking. He really didn't know how long it took. So he waited and waited. Epic poked in. "how long has it been?" The others came out from their rooms. "three, four hours?"
"sleep walkers start after two. it worked." Epic was grinning. "what worked exactly?" Classic asked curiously. "that smoothie. i slipped an specially made drug into it. it would work best if she was relaxed. now she's not sleep walking." They all looked back to Riley. "is it permanent?"
"should be. we'll see tomorrow night." Once more Epic left the group to sleep. TK snuggled into Riley to sleep there.

From A Wish To Reality (Sans Aus x OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum