Killing in hope, pain, and acceptance

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    George looked up, releasing his hold on the boys face as he turned his face up to the sky, hearing loud ringing noises, like a bell. He suddenly was brought back to his home district, where he would hear the loud church bells ringing intensely, calling everyone inside for noon. However, this bell ringing wasn't as welcoming and reminiscent, it was dark, an alarm almost.

    George turned his head down, navigating his hand towards Dream, where he grabbed his arm, tightly as the bells ringing stopped, it must've gone over the whole arena. Suddenly, George heard an interesting sound which he couldn't really identify, the best he could describe, was staticky. "Attention all tributes" A loud voice echoed through the arena, the same as the voice that sounded the countdown to their ultimate demise. "There will be a gathering at the cornucopia this year. Each one of the remaining tributes must come to the cornucopia
in the allotted time, or else the tracker in each your arms will explode, killing you instantly" George looked down at his arm that held the tracker, his eyes going wide. "The timer starts, now" George looked up at Dream, as if asking for an answer.

    Dream went silent for a few seconds, "three minutes" he mumbled, "three minutes George, we have to go!" He picked George up bridal style quickly, before standing, and starting a run towards the direction of the cornucopia. George looked around, trying to navigate himself, where were they? How far were they from the cornucopia at this point? His heart raced, his life was literally in Dreams hands, and his ability to run.

    George held onto the boy tightly as he felt him running through the forests of naked trees, his shoes thumping against the soft snow beneath as he ran. George suddenly made a decision in his mind, reaching behind his head, he untied the blindfold, seeing Dream look down at him as he opened his eyes. His vision was blurry, very blurry, but his eyes were no longer irritated and hurting, he didn't need his complete vision after all. "I need to see Dream, even if it's a little" George looked around, trying to get his eyes adjusted to the area around him.

    He wrapped his blindfold around his wrist, keeping it safe as he looked up at the sky. His vision was blurry, but he could see the letters in the sky, or numbers. He could see a giant two, and thirty seconds exactly, he breathed out heavily, Dream better start running faster.

    George looked through the trees, trying to find any sense of a golden horn. He looked through the dense bushes, above the white trees, until he finally saw a blurry golden smudge to their left, "Dream left!" He announced, Dream instantly turning his feet to stop himself, heading now towards the direction George shouted. George looked up at the sky again, fifty seconds, damn.

    George watched as the trees were getting thinner, and the golden horn had become quite visible now. He watched as he spotted through the trees, people, not many, but there were people there. He wrapped his arms around Dreams neck as he felt him jump through a thick bush, stopping at the edge of the forest line to catch his breath, then, making a quick run to the cornucopias line. George looked up at the sky, ten seconds, they'd make it right? Dream suddenly stopped, why'd he stop? George looked up at the sky, five seconds. George looked around, taking in his surroundings.

    They were all very blurry, but he could see people in similar colored jackets that they were in. On his left, there were two people, one with black hair, and the other with brown. Then, he saw a group of four, careers definitely. There were solo people as well though, only two. George looked up at the sky, the timer had reached zero. He looked down at his arm, seems like Dream had made it, and they were the last ones to make it to the party huh?

    Dream set George down on his feet as they heard a loud ring in the distance, startling all players, "attention tributes" the voice echoed. Suddenly, George heard an electric like noise, he looked behind himself, seeing blue, blurry electricity run up a seemingly dome like area. He watched as the electricity sourced around the cornucopia in a dome like shape, finishing at the top, then disappearing, "How long you survive in this small arena will decide who lives" the voice announced, a screen suddenly appearing in the sky. There were people, by the sounds coming out their mouths, they were screaming, crying, and begging for their lives to be spared. Suddenly, George noticed one of the voices.

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